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Don't know what to do!

Fri, 12/29/2006 - 00:35
Hi 3 years ago my son had his first seizure, walking around staring and then layed down and for 3 hours did not talk but could recognize. #2 while watching a portable dvd player started picking at the top and then went into seizure, started meds (depakote) this made him entirely unable to stay awake in class. #3 had a couple small episodes not to bad but school work really went down, changed meds and added trileptal, still no better then took away the depakote and added zarontin, so now he takes trileptal and zarontin and 5 days ago had a seizure that lasted 20 minutes so the doctor increased the dose. The seizures always causes him to vomit, sleep, sometimes wets himself, but it seems as though that we just can't make sense of any of them. At times we have been told that he has partial complex seizures then were told that he has absence seizures. He has changed so much always kind of out of it, over the last 3 yrs he has changed so much his grades have dropped he is real clingy and just not interested in much of anything. He has had about 4 eegs and the the doctor just keeps switching or increasing his meds. Any information is welcomed. Thank you kristin


Re: Don't know what to do!

Submitted by littlebug on Wed, 2007-01-03 - 17:41
Hi, I went through similar things with my daughter.she started out with just compex partial seizures and now has simple/complex partial and also absence seizures.she is only on trileptal.everytime her dose was changed it was a nightmare.moodswings,dizziness,sleepiness it was hard.last year she had a very hard time in school.she was having memorie problem and was behind.some of the kids noticed and made coments to her.going to school became a fight.she has been on trileptal for 4yrs now,it wasn't until this last febuary that we were told trileptal can cause memory laps.anywhere from half an hour to several hrs later they may not beable to retain info.add this to absence seizures and it complicates learning even more.what I have found that works is to give her the trileptal at least 2hrs before school starts.its not easy getting up at 430am but she takes it in her sleep and I go back to bed.Finally she is doing great in school!!it actually became a fight to keep her home from school when she's sick.I hope this helps in some way.good luck

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