Community Forum Archive

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bitrhmark and possible future seizures

Wed, 05/30/2007 - 07:55
hi,my 3 yr old just been diagnosed we epilepsy,but my 8 yr old has a birthmarks ,the first one is a strawberry mark wat should of gone before he was 6,a mole birthmark wats cancerous and a portwine birthmark wat is currently being closely monitored,the doctor says it can cause epilepsy ,could this be true and anyone else had the same problem we birthmarks or actually got epilepsy threw a birthmark .as i dont understand how a birthmark a portwine one can cause any problems,any advice i will be gratefll for,thankyou.



Submitted by nikinak on Fri, 2007-06-08 - 11:04
hi lorena,my son,s hasnt started clearing up and know iam worried because the one on his bak has started healing,how did the doctors diagnose the epilepsy due to the birthmark because my son has started with a bad temper,and a very emotional little 8 yr old,or could i be looking to deep,because he not on medication,i was told possible seizures,wen do i start to worry if u could tell me mre i be soooooooo gratefull,then i no wat iam doing ,or panic and run to the doctors,or forgot the one on his back is a unusaul portwine the one on his head behind his ear is the hemangioma bright red and lumpy

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