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A seizure while driving

Sat, 01/06/2007 - 19:46
I am 23 and suffer from seizures. I was driving my two children to school when i had a seizure. I blacked out and wrecked. Thank god my kids weren't hurt but i ended up staying in the hospital for 38 days and thay told me it was EP and put me on lamictal. I knew something was wrong before the accident but i did not see a doctor. Now i wish i would have.


Re: A seizure while driving

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2007-01-07 - 09:26
So sorry to hear what happened. Thanks very much for sharing this with everyone. Losing a driver's license is so hard, but the consequences can be enormous is a seizure occurs while driving. Glad you are okay and hope things continue to get better.

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Re: A seizure while driving

Submitted by Knailos on Sun, 2007-01-07 - 15:59
Melonie, I am sorry to hear what happened, but thank God you all survived. I too had a car accident in June, 2006. At this time, my doctors had diagnosed me with hypoglycemia and told me to eat more protein (especially almonds...I can't tell you how many almonds I ate this summer)and to eat glucose tablets if I start to feel "funny". Well, I was on my way to get my hair cut when I started to feel "funny" (which I now know is an "aura"). I gobbled down a bunch of glucose tablets, tried to pull over and then passed out. I am lucky to be alive. God was looking out for me on multiple levels: 1) My children were not with me (I am 36 yrs. old and have a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy). 2) Two weeks prior, my husband showed me a short cut to my hair stylist. Instead of being on the interstate going 75-80 mph, I was on back roads going 45 mph. 3) I side swiped a car (no one hurt and minimal damage), ran a red light and just missed a telephone pole(says eye witnesses). I landed in a retention pond and thank God it had not been raining lately so I was in no danger of drowning. There was just enough water to ruin my engine and total my car. 4) The only injury I suffered was a sprained ankle. I have no recollection of any of this. That is terrifying!! I didn't come to until I was being taken away in the ambulance. With lots of false diagnosis, I eventually got to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and was just recently diagnosed with epilepsy. Needless to say, I am not driving. In Florida it is not required for your doctor to report your condition to the DMV, but I am not going to drive for a very long time. My neurologist told me I cannot drive until I am 6 months seizure free. I just had another seizure last week, so my count down has begun again (ugh!!). I am also on lamictal. I have been on it for 3 weeks. When I had my most recent seizure I was on the lowest dosage (50 mg per day). My neuro. has upped it to 100 mg per day and in 2 weeks I will be at 200 mg per day. It really stinks losing your independence. Simple things such as taking your kids to the park, having your nails done or shopping have suddenly come to an abrupt end. Thank goodness my husband and I work together and I have very supportive family and friends who help me get around. I also like to cycle and my doctor told me not to do that until I get a handle on this. We usually go snow skiing every winter break but my neoro. told me "no" this year (unless I want to take a chance and ski off the mountain)...also, no more scuba diving. Now that I have thoroughly cheered you up!! Just wanted to let you know there is someone else who can relate and feel free to talk with me about it anytime. Take care and GO GATORS!!, Kristin

Re: Re: A seizure while driving

Submitted by mort on Wed, 2007-01-17 - 09:49
Add me to the list. I actually had seizures for months driving but didn't black out (I didnt know what thew were at the time, I just knew I felt weird for a few minutes).......until I drove off the e-way going 80 into a concrete wall.

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