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New Here

Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:15
Hi! I am new to the site. My 8 year old daughter has epilepsy. She has the small seizures. (When she talks to you she will roll her eyes.) Well it kept getting more frequent so we took her to the doctor in feb. 2005 for it. They sent us to Childrens Hospital. They did a EEG on her and found very abnormal activity. So she got put on med. (Lamictal). She has them every now and then. Well last tuesday morning my girls were getting ready for school, and all of a sudden she fell in the floor with a full blown seizure. We called 911 and by the time the ambulance got here she had come out of it but they took her in anyway to be checked out. She hit her head and had a big bump on it. They ended up uping her medicine. (They called children's and talked to them). So far so good. We go back to childrens in Dec for a check up to see how she is doing. It really scared me and my husband. Anyway thanks for reading.


Re: Re: Re: Re: New Here

Submitted by jh12918 on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 19:49
Essie, Thank you so much. I have started doing as much reseach as I possibly can on it. The paper I have states that Rebeka has primary generalized epilepsy. We go back Dec 26. I prob will have several questions I will ask her about it. I really like her doctor she will listen and you can talk to her about any of it. But thanks so much and good luck with your son. Jeana

Re: New Here

Submitted by solis on Sat, 2006-12-02 - 23:42
Hi Jeana, :) First off, welcome to this community. I'm also a parent (of grown children), and I've had E since I was three, so while I can definitely understand your reaction, I also have a good idea of what Rebekah is experiencing. While, admittedly, some seizures are more outwardly scary for others to watch, truth be told, since consiousness diappears in (most) seizures, none are less "full bown", or devastating, for the person having them. It's a known fact that seizures have psychological effects also, largely due to the reactions of others. I spent my life going to neurologists (specialists in brain and spinal cord issues) but was never controlled. Finally, after going though well over 10 neurologists, I was sent to an epilptologist ( a neurologist that focuses on, and that specializes in, epilepsy) and; within months, for the first time in my life, I was controlled. My advice would be to take your daughter to an epileptologist. Also, fear not.. there are wayyyy more anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) than when I was young, so chances are good that your daughter will be controlled. Tonic Clonic Seizures Epilepsy The Impact On The Life Of A Child I can see you are working hard to cope so you will be there for your daughter. She is very fortunate. Here is another site: I've been researching online for awhile, but I haven't found other c websites that are as detailed or accurate as As is written by physicians, you can also be sure the information is accurate. (a bonus) Know I wish you and Rebekah well.. ~sol

Re: Re: New Here

Submitted by jh12918 on Sun, 2006-12-03 - 12:10
Hi Solis, Thank you so much. It was very hard to see what my daughter went through. My 10 year old daughter and my husband also was there when she was going through it. We also have a 3 year old daughter but she was alseep when it happened. (It happend about 6:48 in the morning.) Thank you for the sites. I have been doing alot of research on it. I just don't want to freak out again if it happens again. They uped her meds and so far so good. I also talked to our nephew about it since he is in her classroom at school and he will help her in anyway he can too. My husband also went to the school and had a talk with her teacher to let her know what is going on. Well thank you, Jeana

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