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New Here

Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:15
Hi! I am new to the site. My 8 year old daughter has epilepsy. She has the small seizures. (When she talks to you she will roll her eyes.) Well it kept getting more frequent so we took her to the doctor in feb. 2005 for it. They sent us to Childrens Hospital. They did a EEG on her and found very abnormal activity. So she got put on med. (Lamictal). She has them every now and then. Well last tuesday morning my girls were getting ready for school, and all of a sudden she fell in the floor with a full blown seizure. We called 911 and by the time the ambulance got here she had come out of it but they took her in anyway to be checked out. She hit her head and had a big bump on it. They ended up uping her medicine. (They called children's and talked to them). So far so good. We go back to childrens in Dec for a check up to see how she is doing. It really scared me and my husband. Anyway thanks for reading.


Re: I am also sorry to hear

Submitted by Essie on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 07:18
Hi there! It was so interesting about the tonic-clonics, I had to answer. Thank you so much for this info, as I told you, I'm really scared for that first tonic-clonic, and it helps learning a few tricks on what to expect and how to react. It's funny how the meds that's supposed to be helping, is sometimes changing or adding seizures, isn't it? My son's definitely got far worse in the first 2 weeks, before it got better. The meds are probably a schock to the brain or something. It's so great talking to other mothers who are as concerned about their kids' epilepsy, their development, etc. And who wants to learn more to help them. Take care everyone, Essie

Re: I am also sorry to hear

Submitted by jh12918 on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 19:55
Mamma Bear, Thanks! It is so scary to watch them have one. I just hope I never have to see that again. My kids have been through so much this year. My dad passed away from cancer in June. And that has been so hard on them. They were really close to him. And then I had Rebeka tested for Dyslexia. She come back ok from that. I wonder if its the meds. She is doing a little better this year. Except in Spelling. She is having trouble in it. Jeana

Jeana, You are welcome to

Submitted by mama bear on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 21:09
Jeana, You are welcome to the info! I hope it helped. Here we go again!! My son Fletcher just had a two minute tonic-clonic tonight! It was a pretty bad one cause his body really contorted. I know that our neurologist requests that we note the amount of time of the seizure, what direction his eyes roll, what direction he falls in, and if certain limbs move more than others. I have been told that this can help them tell what area of the brain the seizure activity is taking place. Today I learned that when Fletch was coming out of his seizure he could hear me because he moved the arm up I asked him to. This tells me that keeping calm and talking to your little one gently while the seizure is happening may make everyone feel better after. Take care, Tresa (mama bear)

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