Community Forum Archive

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New to all of this--sudden constant seizures--help!

Thu, 05/11/2017 - 09:19
Hi everyone. My husband recently had a tonic colonic seizure which landed him in the hospital. 34 year old male--no history of seizures at all. The eeg in the hospital showed abnormal activity in the left temporal lobe. Thy put him on 500 mg of Keppra twice a day. The side effects have been killer. He continued to have bad auras and what I thought were partial seizures, so now he's up to 1000 mg of Keppra twice a day. A 24 hour EEG showed no seizures but did show abnormal brain spikes again in the left temporal lobe. The doctor added Vimpat (100 mg twice a day) and then just doubled the dose. The doctor does not seem to believe me when I say my husband is having partial seizures every day, but I am observing arms shaking, loss of time, disorientation, and eyes blinking rapidly with no response. He is also falling asleep right after most of these episodes. My husband is the sole provider for our family and this is very hard on all of us. This has been going on for three weeks now. Has anyone ever seen where a person at 34 suddenly has seizures everyday? Could this be BECAUSE of the medication? Can this go away? Thanks, everyone. It's just so upsetting.


if the doctor does not

Submitted by tullio on Thu, 2018-05-03 - 00:23
if the doctor does not believe, try to take videos with your smart phone. We did it with my son, and doctors said the videos were really useful. As alternative treatments, you may consider the relationship between food and epilepsy: : Epileptic seizures as a manifestation of cow's milk : Partial cryptogenetic epilepsy and food allergy/intolerance Celiac Disease and Epilepsy gluten and epilepsy Occult celiac disease presenting as epilepsy and MRI changes that responded to gluten-free diet report your experience

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