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Had First Seizure The End OF October 06

Wed, 12/06/2006 - 08:25
Hi All! I am a 51 yr. old woman and had my first seizure here at my home the 3rd week of October. My husband took me to the ER and they did an EEG...nothing showed up at first, but they did observe my first seizures. I just blanked out for a about a minute or so and could not communicate, nor did I hear if anyone was trying to communicate with me. They admitted me and their protocal is to get you on video for a day or so, along with EEG's. Mine progressed into grand mal seizures. After 5 days, I was sent home on Dilantin, 200 mg. twice a day. I still feel very frightened. I called the doctor and told him that I still always felt like one was right on the cusp of coming....his answer..."call me if you have another one". I was not happy with that remark at all. My GP gave me some Xanax and thank God, even though I know its dangerous to take, it does get rid of that constant feeling that one is one the way. My doctor said that seizures in midlife can be brought on my anxiety and stress. I do have plenty of anxiety and stres in my life. All I know is that I never want to have another seizure as long as I live. They are the most frightening things that I have ever been through. Pam:)


Re: Re: Had First Seizure The End OF October 06

Submitted by MsPam313 on Thu, 2006-12-07 - 11:49
Thank you, Strat! It sure is a frightening thing. I see that neuro again in January. I take that Dilantin religiously...LOL!! They say that the fear of having another one is as bad, just about, as actually having it.....I do believe that. I stay scared 24/7. But, the fact that I had been 8 nights without sleep and being under a great deal of stress, probably is what set them off. So, I am going to stick with the Dilantin and hope that I have seen the last one of those things. They really mess your mind up! Pam:)

Re: Had First Seizure The End OF October 06

Submitted by Jessie Napier on Thu, 2006-12-14 - 16:43
I had my first seizure at the end of October too. I had got really stressed out that day and just started shaking all over. For a few seconds I was aware of what was happening and then lost all sense of reality and it felt like I was experiencing a dream. I had 2 more that day too and then had about 3 to 5 a day until I saw a doctor. She prescribed dilatin and it helps but hasn't eliminated the seizures. I will still have a seizure at night if I stay up too late. It was very scary and everyone of them are scary but nothing like that first one. I will never forget it. I hope that your meds keep helping you and good luck =)

Re: Re: Had First Seizure The End OF October 06

Submitted by MsPam313 on Wed, 2006-12-27 - 08:58
Jesse, That's justhow I felt. But, first my left hand started twitching and I had no control over it. Then they just kept getting progressivly worse with each one. Like you, I was totally disconnected. Had no idea what was going on or had just happened. It was like a dream.....but, afraid it wasn't....LOL!! So far, on the Dilantin, I haven't had naymore, but my doctor in OH, I flew up to see, says to take Xanax with it, so I do. Otherwise, I always felt like ne was right there. Just not totally controlled. I am still not 100% comfortable. Did you have any kind of noise or anything that you heard before your's hit? I heard what I call a roaring sound....actually like a high pitched roar. Without the addition of the Xanax, I still heard it, so that tells me the Dilantin alone wasn't knocking them completely out. Hope you are doing okay! Pam:)

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