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does anyone get ear pain?

Wed, 02/22/2006 - 13:10
i first started out with the fatigue, left arm and face go numb. now both arms get pain in them. and now left arm gets a cold, frozen like feeling, my left eye gets alot of pressure behind it and on bad episodes i get spinal pain and like a burning sensations from my neck all the way down. in the last few months i get a really bad ear pain. and now its in both ears. its like someone poking me with a sharp object in my ear. is this normal? the dr's had no clue. geesh. im just trying to figure out if these seizures are being caused by something else other than in the brain? does that make sense? im seeing another dr for a nerve test next..thank you all for your time..


Re: does anyone get ear pain?

Submitted by Chrissyml on Mon, 2006-02-27 - 07:37
hi 2life. I had ear pain for years. It started when I was about 23 yr. old or so. I would scream after every seizure because of the pain in my ears was unbearable. no doctor could explain it to me or treat it. it finally went away just as suddenly as it started. I haven't had it in about 10 years.

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