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does anyone get ear pain?

Wed, 02/22/2006 - 13:10
i first started out with the fatigue, left arm and face go numb. now both arms get pain in them. and now left arm gets a cold, frozen like feeling, my left eye gets alot of pressure behind it and on bad episodes i get spinal pain and like a burning sensations from my neck all the way down. in the last few months i get a really bad ear pain. and now its in both ears. its like someone poking me with a sharp object in my ear. is this normal? the dr's had no clue. geesh. im just trying to figure out if these seizures are being caused by something else other than in the brain? does that make sense? im seeing another dr for a nerve test next..thank you all for your time..


Re: does anyone get ear pain?

Submitted by KelMelNel on Wed, 2010-07-21 - 15:16
Did you by any chance end up having a cavernoma?  Just curious because your story sounds like mine and that's what I ended up with.  I wake up all the time feeling like a bobblehead.  I had never heard anyone else say that.  I'm always dizzy and very unbalanced in the morning if I have a bobblehead night.  Or I wake up vibrating.  I'm told these are simple partial seizures.  Won't know for sure unless I do a seizure study.  That sounds scary so I'm avoiding it.  We keep upping my Keppra and that seems to be doing the trick.  Hope you're doing better.  I actually signed up on this website so I could reply to you :)

Re: does anyone get ear pain?

Submitted by Jbo57 on Wed, 2010-07-21 - 16:18
Thank you KellMelNel...I acutally signed up on this site so I could reply to the other poster.  My seizures have always been the "gran mal" type (although they are called something else now).  I have never have a cavrnoma that I'm aware of.  I have no rhyme or reason to my seizures.  We've never been able to diagnose the triggers.  All we know is that except for one, they have always been during sleep.  I come out of them terrified and wandering around the house.  This one has been entirely different in duration of after symptoms.  I've never been axious for this long.  They've never kept me from sleeping the next night.  I've never had the numb arm or leg.  It's extremely frustrating because even after not sleeping for 36 hours and taking an Ambien (proscribed by my E.R. doc), I was still feeling anxiety and it still took me at least an hour to get to sleep.

Re: does anyone get ear pain?

Submitted by prince95 on Thu, 2010-07-22 - 22:05


  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..... Some one ... Any one HELP...Any direction would be greatly appreciated . I recently started to have seizures this April (grand mal) but, since then my neurologist was able to get them under control w/ topamax unfort. had to take to max. dose a/day (400mg)He wants to add tegretol next week hoping that gets rid of the remaining seizure activity seen on my E.E.G."s    HOWEVER, I am still experiencing a horrific pain in my ear and and behind my eye and at my temple...This pain never leaves.  It is now traveling toward the top of my brow.  My Dr. states this is a symptom of my seizures.   I have been to my dentist and they found nothing wrong. been to a ENT=nothing wrong.   My MRI, CAT scan all came back ok... I am not understanding this horrible pain..... ??????? Nor why my Dr is not concerned about it ?????

I have tried to consult with three different Drs. for a second opinion but they wanted to start from square one and do their own tests ??? I have a few other Drs. to meet with over the next few days so  I still  hope to have some luck w one of them... :)

 Any advice would be FABULOUS !!!!




  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..... Some one ... Any one HELP...Any direction would be greatly appreciated . I recently started to have seizures this April (grand mal) but, since then my neurologist was able to get them under control w/ topamax unfort. had to take to max. dose a/day (400mg)He wants to add tegretol next week hoping that gets rid of the remaining seizure activity seen on my E.E.G."s    HOWEVER, I am still experiencing a horrific pain in my ear and and behind my eye and at my temple...This pain never leaves.  It is now traveling toward the top of my brow.  My Dr. states this is a symptom of my seizures.   I have been to my dentist and they found nothing wrong. been to a ENT=nothing wrong.   My MRI, CAT scan all came back ok... I am not understanding this horrible pain..... ??????? Nor why my Dr is not concerned about it ?????

I have tried to consult with three different Drs. for a second opinion but they wanted to start from square one and do their own tests ??? I have a few other Drs. to meet with over the next few days so  I still  hope to have some luck w one of them... :)

 Any advice would be FABULOUS !!!!



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