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Does anyone else have throat pain?

Sun, 09/10/2006 - 16:13
HI, My 8 y.o. daughter had an episode today. She rates her symptoms for us, so we know how she is doing. Here is a typical episode for her: sudden dizzines (level 10), headache (level 8), throat pain (level 8). This may last anywhere from a few minutes to 1/2 hour. It is difficult to tell sometimes what is seizure, and what is postictal symptoms. She is very lethargic, flat affect, and pale following these episodes. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks, Lori


Re: Re: Re: Does anyone else have throat pain?

Submitted by Jamieo80 on Fri, 2006-09-15 - 03:49
Hi, my 7 yo daughter was diagnosed today with absense and complex partial seizures. I only realized she was seizing three days ago, tho we know now she's been having the absense for 2-3 years. One warning sign I can already rely on is her throat pain. She is sz 5-6 times a day and every time she say her throat hurts, grabs at her throat, acts like she can barely swallow. There is definately a connection here. I was beginning to wonder if I was raising a hypochondriac with all the times I've taken her to the doc for headaches, sorethroats, tummyaches, and almost every time the doc saying everything looks fine. It took one scarey-long absence and two grand-mals back-to-back to realize she isn't a drama queen, the baby is suffering. I'm off to have a good cry, hope this helps.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does anyone else have throat pain?

Submitted by jmccand on Fri, 2006-09-15 - 07:36
Jamieo080, Reading your story is like reading ours. My daughter is 8, and I too thought she was being a drama queen for years. I thought she was using the symptoms to get out of school and come home, because by the time I would pick her up she would be fine. It took seeing a seizure that lasted 2 minutes and progressed from simple partial, to complex partial, to tonic-clonic to realize what was going on. Her seizure was caught on video because she was at a birthday party and it was very helpful. I could keep rewinding it to really see all of the components of her seizure, and I realized she has been having them for years. I can remember her first one when she was 1 1/2 years. I, too, have shed a lot of tears. I am mad that she is going through this, I am mad because I ignored the signs, and I doubted her. Her warning signs are sudden dizziness, headache, and throat pain, with her suddendly grabbing her throat. If it is really bad she also has stomache pain. Things have gotten worse since her big seizure in July. She is so limited with what she can do. Any loud, bright, or hot place is out. This includes noisy resturaunts, target (because of lighting), schoolbus, the school cafeteria, metro trains, loud church activities, the list goes on and on. I hate that it is limiting her activities, with social activities taking the brunt of it. She feels worse at school, more than anywhere else because of lighting issues. They have dimmed the lights in her main classroom, which has helped tremendously, but for any of her special classes, she can not tolerate it. She had a really bad one yesturday, that lasted a really long time and the school did not call me. I think they too sometimes think it is not as bad as she says, or that she is faking. I told them I thought it was odd that she only had this problem during the "social" part of school, (lunch, recess, P.E.) and if she was faking it I would think she would do it during math or social studies. Why would she fake it during her only time to socialize with her friends? It can be very frustrating. She has been on 2 different meds, and neither one has worked. She goes in on 9/25 for a video EEG. Hopefully that will tell us more. I hope things get better with you, good luck. Lori

Re: Re: Re: Does anyone else have throat pain?

Submitted by jmccand on Fri, 2006-09-15 - 07:20
Spiz, I actually found it in the newsletter that just came out, in the article SEIZURES AND TEENS: SORTING OUT SEIZURES. Under Simple Partial, it says it can affect the "vocal apparatus", I am convinced this is what my daughter is feeling. Hers also lasts 30 minutes. Yesturday at school she had a really bad one, with her rating all of her symptoms as a 10 (1-10 scale). It last 50 minutes!!!! Lori

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