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Does anyone else have throat pain?

Sun, 09/10/2006 - 16:13
HI, My 8 y.o. daughter had an episode today. She rates her symptoms for us, so we know how she is doing. Here is a typical episode for her: sudden dizzines (level 10), headache (level 8), throat pain (level 8). This may last anywhere from a few minutes to 1/2 hour. It is difficult to tell sometimes what is seizure, and what is postictal symptoms. She is very lethargic, flat affect, and pale following these episodes. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks, Lori


Spiz, Thanks for your post.

Submitted by jmccand on Thu, 2006-09-14 - 06:35
Spiz, Thanks for your post. I have been doing a lot of research on this, and also believe that she is having seizures. I read that with simple partial seizures, they often can affect the vocal cords. She also states, she feels as if she is choking, can not swallow, and has difficulty speaking. Hers is also accompanied by dizziness and headache, and sometimes stomach ache. The doctors believe that they are in fact seizures, especially since she is so wiped out after them. My biggest problem is with the school. They do not believe they are seizures, and I am beginning to think they believe she is faking. So many people think it is only a seizure, if they physically see changes as in a tonic-clonic. I am trying my best to educate them. Thanks, Lori

Re: Does anyone else have throat pain?

Submitted by angel_lts on Thu, 2006-09-14 - 07:54
Hi Spiz and Lori, That is very interesting. For I had a time when just all of a sudden I felt like I was choking. I had just started a new med. It went on for a good hour. I wanted to go to the hospital. I called my doctor and they just said, keep breathing and I would be fine. FINE!I told my husband, I am choking they dont want me to come in and get checked. It is just so scary. I always thought it was one of the meds I was on that was causing. But it only happened once. I can say I had many other times that I had a feel of like a soar throat. I would drink water and more water thinking I was getting sick. But it went away but within that day or so. SO I really dont know what that was about. take care Lisa

Re: Re: Does anyone else have throat pain?

Submitted by spiz on Fri, 2006-09-15 - 01:54
Lisa, Mine are sporadic but so scary! I've told my neuro about them but all he does is check my levels, pat me on the head and go play golf. I can feel them coming on (I know that sounds weird). My throat starts to feel like it is very mildly 'contracting' before it goes into a spasm. The muscle soreness in my throat is uncomfortable for 15 to 30 minutes but then eases off. I'm going to go see if I can find something more specific concerning it under simple partials. Thanks Lori! Take care! -Spiz

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