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Wed, 11/29/2006 - 10:51
Partial Complex Seizures is my diagnosis. The last med I am on is Lamictal. At first I thought this is the one but after taking it for almost 3 years I am more than discouraged. I have gone from being an respected intelligent person to hearing my name associated with "dumber than a box of rocks" and it's true. I have problems performing anything but menial tasks and accept it. I do have an appt with my neurologist this month and have decided to ask to be removed from the drug. Over one year ago I told him what was happening and I get the same reaction most of us do. It is a side effect to overcome. I asked for some type of IQ test and his answer was we can do one but you'll feel pretty dumb. I appreciated the honesty. In WI you can not have a drivers license if you are unmedicated. This is extremely depressing because we live in a small town on the outskirts so it takes my independence from me. My friends have become less and less which is understandable because I have beome like communicating with a child conversing. Has anyone taken any drug that doesn't leave you brain dumb. I think I've gotten to the point I'd rather deal with seizures than live like this. I used to teach others on computer and now I can't even understand when someone else tries to show me.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Comprehension

Submitted by carrieb on Wed, 2006-11-29 - 18:21
Does anyone here have trouble reading? I read slower now, especially if there's noise in the background. I don't have any trouble pronouncing words or anything, but it's like my mind wanders or something. There are times I'll have to read something a couple of times over in order to "get it" because I'll reach the end and have no clue what I just read. Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just that I'm not paying attention to what I'm reading? I asked my husband about my IQ. He said the only thing he's really noticed is that I can't follow a map as well as I could before. Shoot, I'm a woman. Am I supposed to be able to follow a map? ha

Re: Re: Re: Comprehension

Submitted by wldhrt13 on Wed, 2006-11-29 - 21:31
awwwww shucks it wasn't my intention to make ya cry! lol. yes, you are understanding me correctly, once I got off the medication my cognitive and verbal acuity returned. hang in there, it gets better (((hugs))) pamela

Re: Re: Re: Re: Comprehension

Submitted by mama bear on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 01:56
Hey guys, Just reading this thread. Pamela you gave some great words of encouragement. My son is newly on meds for E and I am noticing his behaviour and comprehension changing already. I also reallyh mean this in an ENCOURAGING way when I say just being a mother and getting hardly any sleep has me not able to remember what I am reading when I get to the end of a paragraph. I can no longer remember major actors in movies, or names of songs I love. I hope you all know I do not assume to understand what you are going through, there is no way I could. But I do want to say you have a lot on your plate, and hopefully some things happening are just your body being human, tired and fallible. Take care, Mamma bear

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