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Wed, 11/29/2006 - 10:51
Partial Complex Seizures is my diagnosis. The last med I am on is Lamictal. At first I thought this is the one but after taking it for almost 3 years I am more than discouraged. I have gone from being an respected intelligent person to hearing my name associated with "dumber than a box of rocks" and it's true. I have problems performing anything but menial tasks and accept it. I do have an appt with my neurologist this month and have decided to ask to be removed from the drug. Over one year ago I told him what was happening and I get the same reaction most of us do. It is a side effect to overcome. I asked for some type of IQ test and his answer was we can do one but you'll feel pretty dumb. I appreciated the honesty. In WI you can not have a drivers license if you are unmedicated. This is extremely depressing because we live in a small town on the outskirts so it takes my independence from me. My friends have become less and less which is understandable because I have beome like communicating with a child conversing. Has anyone taken any drug that doesn't leave you brain dumb. I think I've gotten to the point I'd rather deal with seizures than live like this. I used to teach others on computer and now I can't even understand when someone else tries to show me.


Hi.. Here are some pages on

Submitted by solis on Wed, 2006-11-29 - 13:04
Hi.. Here are some pages on memory and E.. You will note that it is not just meds, but seizures themselves that cause short term memory loss. ~sol

Re: Re: Re: Re: Comprehension

Submitted by Had It on Wed, 2006-11-29 - 14:39
I cannot comprehend let alone retain. B4 taking meds I understood things quite easily and in turn helped others understand. Now I have all I can do to try to understand/comprehend a good share of the time. Without a doubt it makes me feel totally inadequate and yes dumb. Sometimes I wish I could wear a sign saying, sorry if it takes a long time for me to understand I take seizure med. Not that it would help the problem but perhaps I wouldn't feel like such an idiot. I without a doubt feel I am mentally challenged all because of taking meds. Joan

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Comprehension

Submitted by dave_bruce on Wed, 2006-11-29 - 15:23
I understand how you feel. Last week, Nov 20th I had a seizure at work. My doctor took me off Keppra and put me on Dilantin. On Nov. 22nd I had four seizures and the doctor put me on Dilantin, Keppra, and Trileptal. I have been feeling pretty slow since then. I can't think quite right, not like I used too. The side effects are slowly coming off so I feel better today than Monday, but it is still very hard. I also now have huge anxiety issues. But it should get better. If it does not, definitly get a change in the medication. Dave

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