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How Do You Cope?

Sat, 05/12/2012 - 15:01
I was diagnosed 5 months ago and I'm not coping well. My family insults me and refuses to educate themselves on my condition (they assume it's "common sense" and they already know). So, I've found that it helps to cope with pills and alcohol, cutting, journaling, etc... What are some ways you cope when you have no one in person to talk to and are constantly insulted and let down by people who claim to care about you?


Re: How Do You Cope?

Submitted by rosanna1980 on Sun, 2012-05-13 - 22:16
Thank you! I think a huge part of their insensitivity is that they've never seen one. I'm almost wanting one to happen in front of them so they'll believe me. This just isn't good.

Re: How Do You Cope?

Submitted by EsmeraldaAguilar on Wed, 2012-05-16 - 09:44
I feel the same way sometimes . I think that if people would just see me have a really bad one , it would change the way they all seem to not care. Anyway, don't let that stop you from being happy . Do everything that is in your power , I will too . Lately I have been letting myself gain weight but today I will make it day one and begin to treat myself better . Having had seizures makes people around me not respect me much and think that I'm weird . I do have an elliptical and a treadmill so I will exercise today and eat healthy - I can't change a lot of things in my life - however, I can and will get my butt in gear today . I hope that you do the same - Believe me, I know how much it sucks to have seizures , just hang in there please . Do today the best you can and I will too

Re: How Do You Cope?

Submitted by EsmeraldaAguilar on Wed, 2012-05-16 - 09:34
I live in California and they have taken my driver's license away . I don't have family or friends nearby to help me. So, I'm force to drive even though I don't want to. I live in a rural area where there are practically no buses and the closest grocery store is 5 miles away . I usually have one seizure a day and after it passes I will get in my car and go do the things that I need to do really quick . I would like to see more support from friends and family but is not there. I feel very alone and sometimes I do get angry when I see my children helping others and not me . My husband works long hours and is almost no support either . Lately things have been getting very sad for me . My oldest son lives and works far away , my middle son won't mind me and part of it is because I'm weak . What I go through on a daily basis makes me pathetic and stupid in his eyes. So, there is no respect for me . My daughter is 15 and the one that helps me the most. She is kind and helpful , however I don't want to put all of my problems on her, I just want to get well , be independent, be happy for a change. I have no friends because my attitude has gotten to be one that is very depressed. I'm a depressing person to be around. Is hard for me to see the bright side of my life . Anyway, all of that to say this: hang in there, don't give up. One day we all might just get up and no more seizures , it could be today the day . And also know that you are not the only one

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