Community Forum Archive

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Fri, 06/10/2005 - 15:40
My daughter is 8 and just finished her VEEG on Wed. I am not sure as to whether or not she should take meds if she is diagnosed with epilespy. I have heard so many bad things about medications that I am reluctant to try any of them. Has anyone had good experiences from the meds? Please let me know.



Submitted by lzajac on Sat, 2005-06-11 - 18:14
My daughter (age 8) has absence seizures and has also had a complex partial seizure.  We now take Keppra (500mg) per day, and are seizure free.  There have been no side effects.  It is wonderful to know that my daughter is safe, and able to do all the things an 8 year old should be doing.  Good luck!


Submitted by roxeeco on Mon, 2005-06-13 - 17:05
Thank you your input. We have an appointment on Wed to discuss is she does have E. Hopefully they will be able to help her with a good medication.rox


Submitted by katarina on Sun, 2005-06-12 - 04:19
Hi,My son had his first seizure last November and after 2 EEGs (which show seizures may occure again) and a MR (which was completely ok) he was given diagnosis of epilepsy and prescribed small dosage of a drug based on valproine (we live in Serbia, Europe so exact name would mean nothing to you). There were no side effects except he got his weight increased for a few kilos (pounds) which also may be a result of his growing. However, he had another seizure few weeks ago and his doctor said we were forced to increase evening dosage a little bit because he overgrown the initial one. But I'm sure he would have had more seizures if we had ignored doctor's advice to go on drugs. I know it is scary, but it is more scary that your child may experience another seizure and in particular when you are not with her. So don't hesitate to give her medicaments, it will just help. The others were right - it won't go by itself, she'll have seizures again if she is not taking drugs.Katarina

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