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Vivid dreams

Fri, 04/07/2006 - 05:33
Since changing to Keppra combined with epilim and Clobazam I have been having the most tripped out vivid dreams. You know you're in a dream, you tell yourself you're in a dream but you can't get out of the dream. I don't mean nightmares cos to be honest it's quite good fun. In fact it's nearly as much fun as being spaced out on Tegritol. Is it the change in meds that's triggered something off in my already fried brain and if so is it something that anyone else has experienced.


Re: Re: Vivid dreams

Submitted by andy m on Sat, 2006-04-29 - 05:18
Hi there, Yes the new drugs have now kept me seizure free for over 3 years now and i just like to think of the vivid, trippy dreams as an added extra just to make up for all the years of worry and weirdness that have gone before. Just recently i had quite bad flu and I had a fever dream that lasted a very intense 2 and a half days the only times i knew for certain if I was asleep or awake was when my alarm went off to remind me to take my meds. But the whole experience while very tiring was both intense and beautiful. Thank you for your good wishes and keep on dreaming!!! Andy.

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