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Vivid dreams

Fri, 04/07/2006 - 05:33
Since changing to Keppra combined with epilim and Clobazam I have been having the most tripped out vivid dreams. You know you're in a dream, you tell yourself you're in a dream but you can't get out of the dream. I don't mean nightmares cos to be honest it's quite good fun. In fact it's nearly as much fun as being spaced out on Tegritol. Is it the change in meds that's triggered something off in my already fried brain and if so is it something that anyone else has experienced.


Re: Re: Vivid dreams

Submitted by bassdesires on Sat, 2006-04-15 - 09:15
I'm on Tegretol XR, and I have dreams like that. The kind where I KNOW I'm dreaming, but I'm just there. It's mainly fun, except when I have nightmares. I've had this recurring one about zombies (my biggest fear), and I know damn well I'm dreaming, but it's like I can make the rules up as I go along in it (flying, avoiding certain death, etc.). That's weird that you guys have the same thing, albeit on different meds. Do either of you still take Tegretol? Maybe that's the one doing it.

Re: Re: Re: Vivid dreams

Submitted by andy m on Sat, 2006-04-15 - 11:06
Hi there, No tegretol anymore which funnily enough to tie it with some of your dreams just left me feeling like a zombie rather than dreaming about them. I used to get them on carbamazepine (which i know everyone thinks is the same as tegretol, but if you read other threads that ain't the case) but those dreams had more of a nightmare element. I think its the clobazam tied in with epilim and keppra which does it. My dreams just burst with colour and noise but also like you I have control over it all and seem to be able to make up the rules the same way as you. I work nights so I wonder if the fact that I only sleep during the day has any impact at all. Plus I sleep very well, it's not like they disrupt me at all it's just great fun. Keep on dreaming!!! Andy

Re: Vivid dreams

Submitted by Zanna1211 on Fri, 2006-04-21 - 20:57
I can relate to the psycho dreams. I've been weaning off Keppra and increasing my Zonegran and my dreams have been WAY crazy lately, I mean the craziest things that are embarassing to think about after I wake up. I used to never remember dreams but I sure remember these!! I know what you mean about that good dream fun - I hope the new drugs do the job for your seizures!

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