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starting zonegran

Thu, 05/22/2008 - 22:33
My neuro just started me on 100 mgs of Zonegran at night and I'm scared to take it. I have had such bad side effects from other meds I don't know what to expect. I'm afraid I'm going to have a serious reaction to this med. What are some side effects I can expect? Has anyone else taken this and done ok? Will it make me tired? Feeling exhausted is the main side effect that the last med gave me. I feel asleep so easily at any time that it got me fired from my job so I'm worried this med will have the same effect or worse. If anyone has any experience with this med I would appreciate some advice.


Re: starting zonegran

Submitted by riptide10x on Sun, 2009-04-26 - 21:31
After stopping Depakote, my son was just switched to Zonegran and lost 25 lbs. in 3 weeks. It hasn't stopped his seizures, but he's starting to get a six pack. We have to really bug him to get him to eat. When I brought this up to his Neurologist he said that Zonegran is one of the most heavily prescribed drugs in California. Not for seizures, but for weight loss. It hasn't reduced the frequency but seems to have made the seizures milder. That's the thing about epilepsy, everyone seems to react completely different to each drug. He's tried Trileptal, Keppra, Carbatrol, Banzel, Dilantin, Zonegran, Klonopin. Nothing has completely stopped his seizures yet. Three of the kids in his support group got the Neuro Pace, but it hasn't helped at all. In fact it might have made things worse. This stuff is driving us all nuts. I am hoping that now that we have a supportive President, that research and cures will be coming quicker. It also helps that Obama's right hand man-David Axlerod- has a daughter with EP and you can bet that some of that research money will be going to cure epilepsy.

Re: starting zonegran

Submitted by Peaches78 on Sun, 2009-04-26 - 21:40
I can't believe that people are so vain as to use a seizure med to lose weight! My neuro told me Zonegran was weight neutral so it probably wouldn't effect my weight. So far it hasn't done anything.

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