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New to board

Mon, 05/30/2005 - 14:27

Hi. I am new to this board. Over the 40 yrs of my life, I have been on Phenobarbital and mysolin when I was a child, Dilantin and mysolin when I was a teenager.

I was then put on Tegretol...which seemed to work in my early twenties. Then the dosage got to be 1.5 400mg tablets,  twice a day.

I have now been using novoclobazam with that also (10mg tablets, 2 at night, one in the day).

My partial seizures have almost stopped, but I am really doped up. I drink a lot of coffee to try to counter the effects.  Do I have any other alternatives?

I always had partial seizures, or auras as they would call them. They ran all types of test during my childhood..types of food, sleep deprivation...but nothing consistently triggered them.

I have a job, and am married.  Does anyone know if 600mg doses of tegretol is too high.




RE: New to board

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2005-07-15 - 07:21

I was on some meds in the past. My seizures were doing very well. But I was doped up to get my seizures to go so well. I decided it  was not worth it for me not to think straight and not be happy so I had my dose lowered.

I Now take omega three and I am doing very well on it. There are many alternative approaches.

Check out this group.


I was on some meds in the past. My seizures were doing very well. But I was doped up to get my seizures to go so well. I decided it  was not worth it for me not to think straight and not be happy so I had my dose lowered.

I Now take omega three and I am doing very well on it. There are many alternative approaches.

Check out this group.


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