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Wed, 05/25/2005 - 06:14
Oh My--Well, I love Keppra. My 8 year old son was diagnosed in January (2 days before his birthday--nice huh?). The doctor said to try Keppra first as it has the fewest side effects of all the anti-convulsants. Here was are at the end of May and all is well! My son is 98% controlled and it's only not 100% due to our own learning as parents about controlling his sleep better.Now--honestly--for the first few weeks, he had some depression that Keppra can cause and I got very skeptical. However then we started him on vitamin B also and the depression went away. Now, he has his old personality back at 100%.I sure hope it works for you the way it has for him.Diane in Atlanta


RE: Just Prescribed Keppra

Submitted by LilBeAcH8981 on Wed, 2005-05-25 - 11:50
I have been on Keppra for about a yr I take 6 a day 500mg and have had no problems yet but peoples bodies work very different

RE: Just Prescribed Keppra

Submitted by SteviesMom on Thu, 2005-05-26 - 17:47
My daughter just started keppra last week.  Her Dr. started her off @ 250 mg 2xdaily.  She will start going up by 250mg 2x a day every week.  The Dr is decreasing her depakote which im so thankful for.  The depakote kept her in a fog.  Right now my child is more alert than ive seen her in a long time.  The first 2 days she was sleepy with the keppra, but now just complains about being tired which is not big deal because she was always tired with the depakote.  Shes been playing video games that she hasnt touched in ages (which makes me happy because shes using her brain and not laying around all day).  She hasnt had a seizure in 3 days and thats a BIG DEAL at my house.  i am anxious about increasing her dose but so far all is good.  If i see a change for the worse, I'll let you know.  Hope it all goes well for you.  And I hope it goes good for my daughter as well.... 

RE: RE: Just Prescribed Keppra

Submitted by terrassa on Fri, 2005-05-27 - 11:31
Stevies mom... how old is your daughter? My son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy and was promptly placed on depakote...he was also in a fog with that... and it was NOT controlling his seizures...instead most of his atonic attacks were replaced by hundreds of myoclonic. the only thing it did was stop the grand mal. what kind of seizures does you child have? the doctor eveutually added keppra and reduced the depakote. he is now on 375mg depakote and 1800mg keppra. his personality has changed a bit and he is always hungry (but doesn't seem to eat more). i am concerned about his personality...he seems to get mad so easily and displays rage...where he never had before. this is a 5 year old that has NEVER thrown a tantrum and was always very easy now angry and mean. Don't get me wrong it isn't always...just moments. The dr. just prescribed peridoxin (vitamin B6) he says to take 25mg 2x a day. He has been reading that it helps to counteract the mood swings from keppra. would love to hear more about you and your family and how you cope. i am only 1 month into this.tanya

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