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Tue, 01/09/2007 - 23:23
hi every one do you know this med AMITRIPTYLIN treat for wat? i have bad headaches and numb , tingling my foot and ams my doc neo. just gave me this i realy don't know he treat me for wat? i just want my headaches like migraine headaches get out but i don't know is it the right med? or it treat about anitdepressiong????



Submitted by bonkers82 on Thu, 2007-03-01 - 08:32
I too am on this med 75 mg per day for headaches/migraines. it is an antidepressane but works good for heads


Submitted by heathersmithers on Thu, 2007-03-01 - 09:33
Hi ...i take Nortripylin 75 mg... it is also a antidepresant... but prescribed in lower doses it is used for nerve pain,,, i am using it for MS nerve pain in my leg.. and the sharp pain i get in my head.. Nowadays most drugs double up for different uses but at diffenent doses... antideprensants tend to double up as pain relievers at much lower doses than you would use per say if you were actually taking them for depression... the same can be said for tegetrol and topamax , they are also used for nerve pain in ms but we use them for seziure control... My first reaction when i looked up the nortripylin not depressed...grin...just in pain...until i read further down the not to worry... it is used for pain control,,, and usually takes about 6 weeks before you see any benifits...or so my neuro told me...grin.. Good luck..

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