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Tue, 01/09/2007 - 23:23
hi every one do you know this med AMITRIPTYLIN treat for wat? i have bad headaches and numb , tingling my foot and ams my doc neo. just gave me this i realy don't know he treat me for wat? i just want my headaches like migraine headaches get out but i don't know is it the right med? or it treat about anitdepressiong????


Amitriptylin is a tri cyclic

Submitted by marlasinger on Wed, 2007-01-10 - 15:01
Amitriptylin is a tri cyclic antidepressent, to put it in crude terms it will make more serotonin in the brain. This is useful for treating pain that has no cause, migraines, depression and anxiety/sleep problems. I have temporal lobe epilepsy and have taken this drug to help my migraines. It can cause a lowering of seizure threshold (may have more seizures) and the worst side effect I had was severe and dramatic weight gain. I felt like my skin was being stretched!! It didn't treat my head pain that well so I decided to stop taking it. Note of caution, for reasons stated above, make sure the doctor prescribing ANY anti depressent drugs is aware you have epilepsy. MS

Re: Amitriptylin is a tri cyclic

Submitted by heathersmithers on Wed, 2007-01-10 - 15:33
Hi marlasinger do you know what the difference is between amitriptylin and nortriptyline?? the reason i ask is that my ms dr. prescribed the nortripyline for nerve pain for me,,,am wondering what the difference is between the two... thanks.. Heather

Re: Re: Amitriptylin is a tri cyclic

Submitted by marlasinger on Thu, 2007-01-11 - 13:03
Lets have a look for you! Nortriptyline is a metabolite of amitriptyline which means it is very closely related chemically. From what I have just looked up (in the British National Formulary which is the government's drug 'bible' in the UK), it seems that nortriptyline is less sedating than amitriptyline, but is prescibed for exactly the same type of pain you are getting. Doctors and research chemists are always looking at ways of evolving and manipulating drugs so they can be of more benefit to the patient and this is probably what they have done here. You got the new and improved version! I hope that has answered your question Heather, take care MS x

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