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Absense seizures

Wed, 02/21/2007 - 16:18
Hi! My 12 yr daughter has E since Aug 05. She has had some gran mal seizures, but now we are dealing with absense ones. She starting having these the first of Jan when the doctor decided to take her off topamax and put her on depakote. Once she was totally off topamax, she had a seizure daily for 5 days. On day 5, we put her back on topamax. She hasn't had one since. She is having more of these absense ones. Some are strong enough to were she wets her pants. The ones today, caused her not to go to school because she had a terrible head ache. And she cried after one. We see her doctor tomorrow. I am getting so lost with these things. I don't know what to do to help her. I think she is also losing a lot of memory with these. I just hate this. How can I help her? Thanks for letting me vent. Mindy


Re: Absense seizures

Submitted by elizabethc on Sun, 2007-07-08 - 15:22
Sometimes I wonder about our son who is 7 years old losing his mind/memory. He was dx with absence seizures in Jan 2006 and has been on Depakote sprinkles since. Over the last few months he will do things (a lot of times destructive or stupid things like peeing in the empty tub) and denies doing them or he doesn't remember doing them. And I know he isn't lying about it. There have been times I have caught him telling a lie trying to get his brother in trouble. But then there are those times when I really truley believe he doesn't remember. Is it the medicine messing with his mind or is he still having seizures and we don't realize it? Anyone else have similar problems?

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