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Absense seizures

Wed, 02/21/2007 - 16:18
Hi! My 12 yr daughter has E since Aug 05. She has had some gran mal seizures, but now we are dealing with absense ones. She starting having these the first of Jan when the doctor decided to take her off topamax and put her on depakote. Once she was totally off topamax, she had a seizure daily for 5 days. On day 5, we put her back on topamax. She hasn't had one since. She is having more of these absense ones. Some are strong enough to were she wets her pants. The ones today, caused her not to go to school because she had a terrible head ache. And she cried after one. We see her doctor tomorrow. I am getting so lost with these things. I don't know what to do to help her. I think she is also losing a lot of memory with these. I just hate this. How can I help her? Thanks for letting me vent. Mindy


Re: Re: Absense seizures

Submitted by help4myson on Fri, 2007-05-11 - 20:35
My 11 yr. old son started with absence (quick eye rolls) , myoclonic (quick movement in foot, hand,) & shiver. All of these can go unnoticed. My dr. says it's o.k for him to have seizures at school as long as he can still function but he complains daily of headaches. You mentioned this. Is this part of it all, a signal that he's been having seizures. I am learning that he's having them all day, no one can tell. It's been going on for years. My dr. dismissed the headaches as something else. Help. Any insight would be helpful.

Re: Absense seizures

Submitted by davita on Sat, 2007-05-19 - 22:29
When I was in 3rd grade i noticed i was spaceing out in class. I told my mom and she took me to a neurologist. I had an EEG and was diagnosed with E.Every so often when i am in class i will "zone out" as some people call it and my teacher will have to say my name or come over and tap me to get me out of it. It stinks but everyone was brought to this world how they are for a reason. I am now 14 years old and am still on meds. I lead a fairly normal life. I am on a competivite swim team and go to camp in the summers plus lots more. I think to help your daughter you can give her support and help her achieve her dreams. I know abouth the headaches too. What my mom does is every year leaves some Tylenol or other pain meds with the clinic in case i get a headache. I know that if the headache turns into a migrane or if i am just not feeling well i can go home. If you ever want me to talk to your daughter and give her support just have her e-mail me or leave me a line on my blog. Best of luck!! davita :-)

Re: Absense seizures

Submitted by jsustik on Mon, 2007-07-02 - 18:57
jsustik I was diagnosed with absent seizures at 9 and am now 37.It wasnt until a few years ago that my dr found that I also had complex partial seizures and they were causing my headaches.I was on depakene for years and than taken off and put on depakote and had one problem after another{including severly damaged teeth},Since being taken off the depakote I no longer have the headaches.With absent you normally jsut blank out for a few seconds,I believe your child was misdianosed,normally loss of bladder doesnt happen with absent seizures,but with the complex ive had the same thing happen to me.

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