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Working with epilepsy

Wed, 09/20/2006 - 14:30
Has anyone ever been in a position due to their seizures and treatment where they have had to step back and say "It seems to be in everyone's best interest if I leave this job."? I'm finding myself there right now. I'm full, overloaded, and tired. I'm weak and stressed and gaining weight. I have more to do than I can handle. My boss has been very understanding in giving me the time I need for appointments. Yet, when I go to speak to him to follow up with him, he sits and points out all the areas in which I am failing. It is hard. My brain is mush. I'm broken. How do you deal with this in the workplace?


Re: Working with epilepsy

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Mon, 2006-09-25 - 18:23
Hi Hon. I wanted to comment on this, even though you have already spoken with your boss now. I can sympathise with this greatly. I don't expect to be treated with glass either, because of my epilepsy, but I would like any issues I encounter because of it taken into consideration just as other people have understanding for other things like period pain, common colds, even hangovers, for goodness sake! I don't know about you, but most people with epilepsy I have read comments from (and I include myself here) hate using their condition as an excuse. It can be really tough though, and it's hard to make someone understand that you are often tired because of seizures, need to stay as stress-free as possible, can't get by on three hours sleep without putting yourself at risk, and a whole host of other complications. Especially when the majority of the time you don't seem any different from anyone else! For me, I find it very difficult when I get tired and stressed at work. It's a fine line I walk. I don't have any answers for you, but I do have a lot of empathy. I don't believe we have to work eight times as hard as everyone else to prove we can work, and I don't believe in going far beyond the normal call of duty just to show that the 'person with that epilepsy thing' can work as hard as the next person. Please, don't feel embarrassed or ashamed that you need these things. You need to look after yourself primarily. I'll be thinking about you.

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