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Temperature Triggers?

Wed, 11/29/2006 - 13:37
Hi, I was only recently diagnosed with epilepsy, and upon the suggestion of a friend who also has it I have been trying to document different things that could be my "triggers" for seizures and seizure activity. I have been having a lot of myoclonic seizures (mycolonic jerks? myoclonic activity? I'm not sure what the exact terminolgy is) lately and have been using it to try and figure what might be triggering them. So far, the only thing that I have noticed other than the obvious- being tired, lack of food- is that when I get into a car that has the heater turned on high, therefore being very hot, they seem to increase substantially. Has anyone else experienced, or know of anyone who has experienced, temperature fluctuations or high heat as being a trigger for seizures? I would like to have a little more information before insisting that my ride-givers turn their heat down before picking me up! :)


Re: Temperature Triggers?

Submitted by einnob on Sat, 2008-08-02 - 13:06
i'm 42 yo f recently dx with status epilepticus and my main trigger is heat intolerance.forgot the other day and took hot clothes from dryer.badababing shake rattle roll time.keppra and klonopin controllingso i don't die when i yes, heat intolerance is a trigger.tell them to keep it cool 4 u .cuz we're

Re: Re: Temperature Triggers?

Submitted by Seruzies on Wed, 2007-08-29 - 23:53
I moved from the sunny warm desert of Las Vegas, NV where I slept on a heated waterbed with the AC on (for others living there) to the humid, frozen hell hole of Erie, PA due to family reasons. My seizures went from almost non-existent to regular enough to set your watch by, and getting worse. The cold winters and humid summers bother me more than 100 plus degree summers there ever did. And, I worked mostly outside in the sunshine. If I had the money, I'd leave now! And my reason would be, for my health. This part of the country never bothered me until I lived in the desert for more than 10 years. The warm, dry air of the desert really made a difference!

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