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Temperature Triggers?

Wed, 11/29/2006 - 13:37
Hi, I was only recently diagnosed with epilepsy, and upon the suggestion of a friend who also has it I have been trying to document different things that could be my "triggers" for seizures and seizure activity. I have been having a lot of myoclonic seizures (mycolonic jerks? myoclonic activity? I'm not sure what the exact terminolgy is) lately and have been using it to try and figure what might be triggering them. So far, the only thing that I have noticed other than the obvious- being tired, lack of food- is that when I get into a car that has the heater turned on high, therefore being very hot, they seem to increase substantially. Has anyone else experienced, or know of anyone who has experienced, temperature fluctuations or high heat as being a trigger for seizures? I would like to have a little more information before insisting that my ride-givers turn their heat down before picking me up! :)


I am glad I found this...mine

Submitted by on Sun, 2015-05-31 - 23:52
I am glad I found this...mine are a bit different though. I can handle extreme heat all day long, but if I then walk into an instantly cool A/C building after hours of being in the sun...the drop of temperature triggers it. I first lose my vision, then numbness, then I hear this pulsating noise in my head that seems to fill my whole body this point I don't even know my name or even aware I exist and I cant hear or see the outside world. It can last up to about 15 seconds I'm told which is maybe how long it takes my body to adjust to the new surrounding temperature. As for the pulsating noise I hear...I don't actually think I hear it, it just seems to produce a sound that comes with the vibrations coursing through my body. Does anyone know what this is called? Email me at

Re: Temperature Triggers?

Submitted by heidi on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 07:56
Hello, Temperature definitely triggers my "episodes." I believe there's a post from here way back in this forum titled "weird seizure triggers" that addresses that. I was sad to realize I would have to really limit what I do at the gym, because every time I elevate my body temperature, it happens. We also had a very warm summer for the part of the world I live in this past year, and the really hot days were awful for me. Take this all with a grain of salt, though. I have not been formally diagnosed yet. I have a tentative diagnosis of TLE, and simple partial seizures, but they haven't made that definite. Either way, I hope this helps!

Re: Re: Temperature Triggers?

Submitted by slhmurphy on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 14:43
Hi all. What's weird w/ me is that it doesn't matter if I work out, only if it is hot outside. If I increase my body temp I'm okay. If the weather does, I start to feel woozy. Sam

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