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Seizures During Sleep

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 22:16


Hi, I'm new to this site. I have most of my seizures in my sleep or in the morning after waking up.. my last one being two days ago. It seems that either illicit drugs, alcohol or lack of sleep bring most of my seizures on, and I'm working on getting them under control by giving up these things rather than taking my medication, I find the medication Valpro has some bad side effects.

I think my last seizure  was a big one becauseI have been a scattered mess since then, I've slept for two days straight now and I have yet to leave the house. I can't think straight so if this doesn't make any sense I hope u understand why. My whole body is aching and my memory is slowly returning.

Anyways I'm almost 25 and I was diagnosed about 2 1/2 years ago.. does anybody else experience sleep related seizures?.. I truly believe if I can get enough sleep I will  get my epiliepsy under control.

Thanks for any of your comments.


Re: Seizures During Sleep

Submitted by jasssmit on Sat, 2011-12-24 - 14:46

Almost all of my szs have been while asleep.  It went on for a long time and had no idea why until I woke up one morning and had physically hurt myself and sought medical attention.  It SUUUCKS BAD!!!!!  The memory loss that is.  I'm also disoriented for a long time like you are as well.  I've woke up in hotel rooms and didnt know where I was or why I was there. 

My doc has urged me many times to not drink, and even though the web is full of advice to not drink if you are prone to szs, I dont listen.  For ME I've not found a correlation between the two.  I've gone extended periods, like a month, and during that time had the biggest one of my life. 

I'll admit its probably not in my best interest to drink and, regardless of its they're causing u szs or not, I'm sure the drugs aren't good for you. 

Almost all of my szs have been while asleep.  It went on for a long time and had no idea why until I woke up one morning and had physically hurt myself and sought medical attention.  It SUUUCKS BAD!!!!!  The memory loss that is.  I'm also disoriented for a long time like you are as well.  I've woke up in hotel rooms and didnt know where I was or why I was there. 

My doc has urged me many times to not drink, and even though the web is full of advice to not drink if you are prone to szs, I dont listen.  For ME I've not found a correlation between the two.  I've gone extended periods, like a month, and during that time had the biggest one of my life. 

I'll admit its probably not in my best interest to drink and, regardless of its they're causing u szs or not, I'm sure the drugs aren't good for you. 

Re: Seizures During Sleep

Submitted by jasssmit on Sat, 2011-12-24 - 14:46

Almost all of my szs have been while asleep.  It went on for a long time and had no idea why until I woke up one morning and had physically hurt myself and sought medical attention.  It SUUUCKS BAD!!!!!  The memory loss that is.  I'm also disoriented for a long time like you are as well.  I've woke up in hotel rooms and didnt know where I was or why I was there. 

My doc has urged me many times to not drink, and even though the web is full of advice to not drink if you are prone to szs, I dont listen.  For ME I've not found a correlation between the two.  I've gone extended periods, like a month, and during that time had the biggest one of my life. 

I'll admit its probably not in my best interest to drink and, regardless of its they're causing u szs or not, I'm sure the drugs aren't good for you. 

Almost all of my szs have been while asleep.  It went on for a long time and had no idea why until I woke up one morning and had physically hurt myself and sought medical attention.  It SUUUCKS BAD!!!!!  The memory loss that is.  I'm also disoriented for a long time like you are as well.  I've woke up in hotel rooms and didnt know where I was or why I was there. 

My doc has urged me many times to not drink, and even though the web is full of advice to not drink if you are prone to szs, I dont listen.  For ME I've not found a correlation between the two.  I've gone extended periods, like a month, and during that time had the biggest one of my life. 

I'll admit its probably not in my best interest to drink and, regardless of its they're causing u szs or not, I'm sure the drugs aren't good for you. 

Re: Seizures During Sleep

Submitted by zet on Thu, 2012-10-04 - 16:37


I am Polish. I have been living with epilepsy for about 15 years although I am aware ot it for 3 years. For the last 3 years I have been suffering from nocturnal seizures which usually take place every 6 months. The seizures always occur at night (at 3-4 a.m.). The day after I feel bad = a headache, muscle pain and a patchy memory...

Before the nocturnal seizures I suffered from something I didnt even relate to epilepsy! On a monthly basis I had fits of strange feelings. These fits lasted for 10-15 seconds only, during which I maintained my full consciousness. During the fits I had a strange feeling that I already lived my life! A deja vu it is called, I think....

Now I have these full blown nocturnal seizures, and in the meantime I also have these dejavus. I don't take drugs although I visted a neurologist who recommended me a medicine. I didn't decide to start the treatment because the doc warned me that once I start taking the drugs I should not stop that because stopping the treatment would result in more frequent seizures.

Does anybody have similar seizures? Do you believe that not taking drugs is a good solution for someone who has only 2 seizures per year? Can it get worse over time?


I am Polish. I have been living with epilepsy for about 15 years although I am aware ot it for 3 years. For the last 3 years I have been suffering from nocturnal seizures which usually take place every 6 months. The seizures always occur at night (at 3-4 a.m.). The day after I feel bad = a headache, muscle pain and a patchy memory...

Before the nocturnal seizures I suffered from something I didnt even relate to epilepsy! On a monthly basis I had fits of strange feelings. These fits lasted for 10-15 seconds only, during which I maintained my full consciousness. During the fits I had a strange feeling that I already lived my life! A deja vu it is called, I think....

Now I have these full blown nocturnal seizures, and in the meantime I also have these dejavus. I don't take drugs although I visted a neurologist who recommended me a medicine. I didn't decide to start the treatment because the doc warned me that once I start taking the drugs I should not stop that because stopping the treatment would result in more frequent seizures.

Does anybody have similar seizures? Do you believe that not taking drugs is a good solution for someone who has only 2 seizures per year? Can it get worse over time?

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