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PLEASE HELP What's the next step?

Fri, 11/24/2006 - 13:37
Hello everyone! This is all new to me so please understand that I have alot of questions. I went to my neuro this week and he told me that my jerks that I've had all of my life are Myoclonic sz's. I use to jerk about once every 2 weeks but now I do it up to 16 to 20 times a day. What is causing this? Will I someday have the big GM? I had an EEG this week with no results yet. My sister is a nurse and she told me yesterday that I better be careful of what I tell my Dr., he could take away my (GA)DL. She said that if I'm just exploring the fact that I have these jerks they could really cause me trouble. If I could live with them (jerks) and they don't interfere with my everyday life just reduce the triggers and deal with them. I'm really scared, here is what I do: It affects my upper body. My head will usually move from side to side (ear to shoulder) and I'll have like a shiver go down my spine. My hands usually move too and I make a sound (now) like I'm being steped on. It's kind of like a dog shaking water off, I'll start at my head and everything will move head, soulders, arms, and stop at my waist. Does anyone else have this? I also have times when I want to stare while I'm driving, but I'm in full control. Should I still go to the Dr. and follow up or just forget the whole thing? I haven't read of anyone yet that has had my symptoms. I broke a glass the other day at work, and that is what made me go to the DR. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


Re: Thanks Mary. I know you

Submitted by Mary G. on Tue, 2006-12-05 - 05:40
Hi everyone. My doctors office said that my first EEG was normal, but he wants me to do a 24hr EEG at home. So here I am hooked up like a monkey in a lab waiting for something to happen. I had everything installed about 3pm on Mon. Dec. 4, its now Tuesday about 5:30 AM and no biggie yet. Maybe something went on in my sleep. I'm going back to sleep now, the hunters are in the woods(my son and husband woke me up). I'll let you know what is going on as soon as it happens. Thanks again for everyone here. You are truly a blessing.

Hi Mary. Thanks for the

Submitted by happycat2 on Fri, 2006-12-08 - 00:16
Hi Mary. Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear you are hooked up and nothing is happening. That must be soooo frustrating for you. There's been plenty of time in the world for it to, that's for sure. I guess you could say that's the way it goes. What I would say in reply to you is it happens. Try as in try and get some sleep. Let the hook up see if anything shows if something went on in your sleep. Might do, might not. Depends on how active your brain is, and if you are prone to nocturnal events. Some people are, and more than others. Sometimes it feels like going through the woods to get to the bottom of just what is going on. At least when it's finding the cause of seizure triggers. When hunting for answers, please remember and process that an EEG is just one of a battery of tests that can be done. I'm no expert but even I know EEG's can come back normal. That can be so frustrating when it happens...The reading I've done told me that. Hang in there, stay positive and upbeat. It helps when going thru what you are. Cat. "Many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1

Re: Hi Mary. Thanks for the

Submitted by mary_g on Fri, 2006-12-08 - 07:49
Hello once again, I want to continue to thank everyone for their comments.. I had the EEG (24Hr) and now I'm waiting for the results of my test. I have noticed that my left hand seems to be more comfortable in a more closed position. I hope it's o.k. When ever I look at it (my hand) I seem to have a loose fist. Does anyone else have that problem? Also ringing in my ears. I'm 43 and I feel like my world is falling apart. Gotta go. Thanks. Check back soon.

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