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Omega 3's

Mon, 01/16/2006 - 04:22
just a quick mail to let everyone know - I suffered a grand mal nocturnal seizure last week fer the first time in about 6 years, and had been suffering 3 or 4 petit mal staring seizures a day for the past while - after reading this thread i started taking omega 3 capsules every morning and a tin of sardines for lunch, the petit mal staring seizures have stopped completly, nothing for 5 days now since i started doing this. I am not on meds and have an eeg scheduled for friday morning because of the grand mal i suffered, the results of this will be passed onto a neuroligist and he will make a decision after that but i now feel there maybe no point in this - not ruling it out altogether but i would like to give the omega 3 option a go and see what happens - only for the thread in the complementary meds forum i would never have known and would like to thank jennifer 65 for opening my eyes to this option. I was on meds as a kid for my petit mal and didnt like the side affects so i much prefer this option - I'm not saying its a miracle cure or that it will work for everyone but it has worked for me so far fingures crossed - I mean to go from 3 or 4 a day to none and teh only change in my diet was to add omega 3 supplements and a tin of sardines and nothing else - something has to be said for this - does anyone know if any real properly funded reseaerch has been done into this - if not it need to be - like all the typical meds a different type works for different people but if the omega 3 option works for 1 or 2 people only then it should be seen as a success - heres hoping that it can help more, so many more people than 1 or 2 - - - tell everyone you know to give it a go - it cant hurt and even if it doesnt work for u or others u know omega 3's are good for u anyway


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Omega 3's

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 18:28
I will have to disagree with you. I have started with fish oil taking it one time a day and was getting hundreds of auras decreased. I then switched to flax oil because I was afraid of getting mercury. I personally had no problem with flax. I increased it three times a day and I got rid of nine seizures and hundreds of auras. I now take them both. Evening primrose oil is also suppose to take away seizures. This is the first time I heard of this. take care Lisa

Like I said, I've been

Submitted by advorpt on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 18:59
Like I said, I've been taking EPO (along with Omega 3 as fish oil) since 2002 and have experienced a decrease in seizure activity. It's also eliminated my acephalgic migraine activity. I have seen the warnings about EPO and seizure increase, though, and found a reference (I'll have to try to find the URL so I can cite it) that mentioned EPO as having a potential for interfering with AEDs, thereby potentially lowering the seizure threshold. I do not recall what this was based on, or if it has any reliable basis at all. I only know that taking EPO has helped me. Cheers!

I am taking Omega 3 and 6,

Submitted by akepi on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 20:49
I am taking Omega 3 and 6, in fish and flaxseed oils. I am hoping get rid of the few seizures that I do have and avoid taking the AEDs. It is encouraging to hear what good results people have had with this.

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