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Omega 3's

Mon, 01/16/2006 - 04:22
just a quick mail to let everyone know - I suffered a grand mal nocturnal seizure last week fer the first time in about 6 years, and had been suffering 3 or 4 petit mal staring seizures a day for the past while - after reading this thread i started taking omega 3 capsules every morning and a tin of sardines for lunch, the petit mal staring seizures have stopped completly, nothing for 5 days now since i started doing this. I am not on meds and have an eeg scheduled for friday morning because of the grand mal i suffered, the results of this will be passed onto a neuroligist and he will make a decision after that but i now feel there maybe no point in this - not ruling it out altogether but i would like to give the omega 3 option a go and see what happens - only for the thread in the complementary meds forum i would never have known and would like to thank jennifer 65 for opening my eyes to this option. I was on meds as a kid for my petit mal and didnt like the side affects so i much prefer this option - I'm not saying its a miracle cure or that it will work for everyone but it has worked for me so far fingures crossed - I mean to go from 3 or 4 a day to none and teh only change in my diet was to add omega 3 supplements and a tin of sardines and nothing else - something has to be said for this - does anyone know if any real properly funded reseaerch has been done into this - if not it need to be - like all the typical meds a different type works for different people but if the omega 3 option works for 1 or 2 people only then it should be seen as a success - heres hoping that it can help more, so many more people than 1 or 2 - - - tell everyone you know to give it a go - it cant hurt and even if it doesnt work for u or others u know omega 3's are good for u anyway


Re: Re: Re: Re: Omega 3's

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Thu, 2006-10-05 - 18:21
Hiya! I work in the health industry and the main culprits we have to warn against for epilepsy are Evening Primrose Oil, Starflower Oil, Blackcurrant Oil and Flaxseed Oil. All are high in Omega 6, so it seems likely that this would be the reason, although we haven't been told explicitly this is the case.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Omega 3's

Submitted by advorpt on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 09:50
As I understood it, some Omega 6 supplements (like EPO) have a potential to interfere with the efficiency of AEDs for those who are taking them, thereby lowering the seizure threshold for some people. Because a "potential" exists, they issue a blanket caution to *everyone* with E. I've been taking EPO since 2002 (along with my Omega 3 supplement) and I have had no problem, personally. Then again, I am not on any AED, plus my E consists of only simple partials. Body and brain chemistry and type of E all factor in to it, I would imagine.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Omega 3's

Submitted by Bloodyrose on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 20:12
Thank you for clarifying. As I said, it's simply something we warn against. I completely believe everyone knows their own body best, and of course has the right to disregard any warnings regarding any sort of herbal medication. I myself have taken Flaxseed in the past with no problems. But I also think it's a warning worth noting, and taking into consideration, to make a fully informed decision. xoxo

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