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New to this

Fri, 03/31/2017 - 13:50
I am looking for other people who may experience nocturnal seizures. My long term boyfriend (still waiting for that ring!) had his first seizure in February 2016. He went for EEG and CT scan and everything came back fine. The doctor told him that everyone is ok to have one seizure in their lifetime. This January he had his second one (11 months later), and the doctor has scheduled more tests but also diagnosed him with nocturnal epilepsy, offered him medication however he denied it. This morning (2 months later) he has had his third one. This time we woke up to use the washroom and fell while doing so into a grand mal seizure. All three times have been grand mal. The first he was dead asleep. This always happens in the morning. The second time he had just got up to use the washroom and layed back down to sleep and it occurred around 5 minutes after he was sleeping. The third one, this morning, he was standing up peeing, and fell (thank god didn’t hurt his head). He doesn’t remember getting up to use the washroom. My question is medication, now that it seems the gran mal are occurring more often, we should really consider the medication. I am wondering what people who suffer from nocturnal seizures only take and how it helps them? Any insight would be helpful, I am an emotional wreck and feel so helpless. Thank you and I appreciate anyone’s support and advice.


Turns out he had another one

Submitted by sarajessie on Thu, 2017-04-13 - 11:24
Turns out he had another one while awake at 7p.m two days ago. I guess they are not nocturnal anymore. He started tegretol yesterday. I hope it works for him! 

I had one nocturnal seizure

Submitted by Twokatma on Fri, 2017-04-14 - 19:03
I had one nocturnal seizure that I am aware of and only because of the physical damage I had done to myself. My mouth was split open, all of my upper teeth were and still are loose, I had two black eyes and bruises all overr my arms and legs. Doctor sent me for an MRI which came back as nothing unusual. I have temporal lobe epilepsy with a multitude of triggers and for decades I was having seizures and was not aware that what was happening was a seizure. I take trileptal, lamotrogine and primidone as well as lorazepam after a seizure. The medications help a LOT but they all have side affects. I get very tired and listless and have temper tantrums which is not usual for me. Please encourage your boyfriend to take the meds and if he doesn't keep a journal then maybe you can do it for him.

I don't think he is correct,

Submitted by iRONIc™ on Sat, 2017-05-06 - 12:22
I don't think he is correct, possibly a typo or mistake in thought.

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