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memory problems

Sat, 07/15/2006 - 19:51
Hi all: Before being diagnosed with ep, I had a minor memory problem. Since then It has gotten increasingly worse. Now it's to the point I can't remember business transactions when asked about them a day later. I'm taking my meds regularly and some ginko to hopefully help the problem. It's not so far. Any comments,ideas,suggestions or anything??? Neuro says it could be caused by the seizures or the meds. Memory testing done by neuropsychologist revealed a true deficit mostly coming from not grasping information as soon as it is presented. (poor focus)... I was diagnosed A.D.H.D. as an adult 13 yrs ago. neuro says those meds exacerbate seizures.Don't take em he says. help....Memory problems weren't as noticable as a scaffold builder. Since I moved into the material dispatching office memory has become mandatory and I can't seem to do anything but attempt to make accomodations for my lack in this area.


Re: Re: Re: memory problems

Submitted by wichitarick on Mon, 2006-12-04 - 13:01
"it,s not the crazy people you worry about---its the one,s that don,t know it. R.C Hi I thought I posted on this previously ,guess I forgot "wished I was joking" first reading all this and some of the jobs you all do scares me real bad. a lot of this describes exactly what has been happening to me since july ,not kind of getting older "forget full ness" but really not remembering what I ate for dinner yesterday and learning something today and wasted my time because I will have maybe 20% recall . Little doubt I would have lost my last job because it dealt with a lot of part no,s and I would spend all my time looking them up when I should remember them. I am really getting nervous over this and am finding it very hard to tell someone this 3 doctors now have just said "oh well" like it was not a big deal. It took me 6 weeks to get my tele. no. back in my head ,that is scary . also doing the memory games and brain games the oppisite effect and give me a massive headache. It is nice to see others that have the same prob. .. Rick

Re: memory problems

Submitted by suebear on Mon, 2006-12-04 - 18:17
I'm not sure about the ginko, I take it and have never had an issue with it. I suppose it depends on a few issues, how many seizes you have, what type of medication you take and how much the dosage is. Everyone is different. Something else that may have an affect is being ADHD. Ginko is a mental alert type of pill and it gives you a boost. ADHD already does that and the Ginko may add onto the issue. As I said, every patient's case is different and the body chemistry takes to the medication differently. What works good for one may not work for another, etc. One of the biggest things that my neurologist suggested for me to take on a daily basis was a women's vitamin. In any case, all you can do is go by what your doctor suggests they know what's good for you and what isn't. If there's questions don't be afraid to ask even if you feel they might be a little silly. Just my .02 on the issue.

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