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memory problems

Sat, 07/15/2006 - 19:51
Hi all: Before being diagnosed with ep, I had a minor memory problem. Since then It has gotten increasingly worse. Now it's to the point I can't remember business transactions when asked about them a day later. I'm taking my meds regularly and some ginko to hopefully help the problem. It's not so far. Any comments,ideas,suggestions or anything??? Neuro says it could be caused by the seizures or the meds. Memory testing done by neuropsychologist revealed a true deficit mostly coming from not grasping information as soon as it is presented. (poor focus)... I was diagnosed A.D.H.D. as an adult 13 yrs ago. neuro says those meds exacerbate seizures.Don't take em he says. help....Memory problems weren't as noticable as a scaffold builder. Since I moved into the material dispatching office memory has become mandatory and I can't seem to do anything but attempt to make accomodations for my lack in this area.


Re: Re: Re: Re: memory problems

Submitted by seizuregirl on Tue, 2006-07-18 - 05:20
Hi there.....I just wanted to say that you are not alone. I go through the same thing myself. There have been numerous times when I would be talking to someone then suddenly lose all train of thought. As hard as I strive to get my thoughts into's just plain gone. What's wrong with me? Ever since I became a seizure patient I have been failing in my memory. It's not a good thing when you are a teacher who has to talk to parents everyday. It makes me look just absolutely ridiculous in front of parents when I can't remember anything about an assignemnt or worksheets that a parent is asking of me. I wish I had a magic wand to just make whatever they want appear before their eyes so I don't have to deal with it. There is one thing I am happy to help you with though. In regards to your medication...there is an easy way to rectify that issue of remembering if you have taken your pill or not. Buy a pill box :-) I bought one and it has been a life saver for me. I take one Tegretol 3 times a day and I have it set on my cell phone to remind me to take my pill. But, if I forget to set my alarm on my cell.....I can find out right away if I have missed a pill or not 'coz it will show in my pill box. Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: memory problems

Submitted by dupuisjr on Wed, 2006-07-19 - 21:09
Thanks so much for taking time to lend support and expose your difficulties to me. How long have you been struggling with memory problems? In Christ alone shall I glory.

Re: Re: memory problems

Submitted by gizgen on Sun, 2006-07-23 - 08:11
i have already lost my job in a nursing home because of my memory and my so called slowness my boss says i wasnt up to par with the rest of the group.sometimes I had my siezures and would respond to anyone . The boss didnt like it because i wouldnt respond to the washers or dryers so i got terminated

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