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Hot Flashes

Sun, 06/19/2016 - 14:43
I can't seem to find much online about this topic. I was wondering if anyone else will randomly get really hot and even sweaty. This can happen at any time, I'll just be walking around and then all of sudden feel very hot and maybe start sweating. I also will wake up some nights and find my sheets wet from sweat. I have never passed out or had a seizure to my knowledge after one of these hot flashes. Just wondering if I'm alone with this or if it is something others deal with as well.


Hi! I don't know what is

Submitted by brezzybear98 on Mon, 2017-10-30 - 14:24
Hi! I don't know what is happening but I walked into two rooms that would be really cold and then I would get super hot for a few seconds. What is happening to me? Can anyone explain why this is happening?

This is exactly what happens

Submitted by LALynn3 on Thu, 2017-12-14 - 20:08
This is exactly what happens to me. I so wish I knew what it is or the cause. 

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