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Excess facial hair growth

Thu, 02/15/2007 - 22:55
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this as a side effect of the seizure meds they take . . . if so how do you deal with it? I've been using various methods . . . tweezing, cream facial hair removers, etc - at one time I was having electrolysis done, but that's very expensive and VERY painful!! Any other suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks! Erica


Re: Excess facial hair growth

Submitted by ZenMatt on Wed, 2007-02-21 - 22:24
Erica- if you're taking "Dilantin" you'll have hair growing in places you never even thought possible! I've since changed meds and although I'm not taking the Dilantin anymore there was a time when I started growing hair on my back! I don't know what you're taking... but it's not uncommon for Dilantin to generate excessive hair growth. For a guy just turing 35 I've got a real nice head of long hair and I can only thank the "D" drug for such rejuvination of the folicles! Guess I've just gotta have someone shave my back from time to time to keep it in check.

Re: Re: Excess facial hair growth

Submitted by curlycuess on Sat, 2007-03-03 - 20:25
I've had facial hair growth ever since I've been on Carbatrol. The hair growth has also caused acne on me which of course is a double-whammy, so I have my face and neck lasered. I'm getting used to the pain but I'm getting a price discount thru my dermatologist so it makes it really worth it. The difference has been amazing! Funny thing is my Neurologist doesn't think that AED's cause facial hair growth. I definitely beg to differ.

Re: Excess facial hair growth

Submitted by jacky99 on Sat, 2007-04-14 - 02:40
SO IT'S NOT JUST ME!!! i don't know ive been doing everything u seem to be doing so the only thing i can say is keep up with it. its annoying and not fair quite frankly and when my neuro told me that the hair growth had nothing to do with my meds i could have five starred him upside the head. if it is happening to more than one person i think the chances are good that meds have something to do with it. grrr... keep up the fight and let me know if you find some miracle something that works wonders cuz im almost willing to pay for anything that will help

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