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Epilepsy and employment

Mon, 07/31/2006 - 19:30
I had my first major seizure just five days after being terminated from a really bad job in November 2005. Needless to say, I have not been employed since then. At this point my epilepsy is not under control despite being on Lamictal and Keppra. I have only been on the Keppra for about 10 days. Yet I am concerned about being employable in the future. I keep reading about and hearing that people with epilepsy can lead "normal" lives. I guess that depends on what the definition of normal is. In the interim I am trying to figure out what I am going to do for money. I have even hinted at one doctor's office that by the time my next appointment came around, I would be living in my car. These doctors just don't seem to get it. I do not have unlimited funds. Where is the reality in all this?


Re: Epilepsy and employment

Submitted by angie342 on Wed, 2006-08-16 - 12:24
I understand!! im not working. Its not that I dont want to work its just if I mention that I am an epileptic it scares people I guess. I dont know because Im not getting any jobs that im honest with the employer and mention the epilepsy to. then again, I live in a small town. i have no money for anything and i rely on my parents for help. equal opprotunity employer means nothing to me anymore. I will eventually find work but its frustrating. I hope you do find a job . I guess what im trying to say is everyone's reality is different. I dont go to the doctor except the family doc that prescribes my meds and I cant go. That's very stressful for me because im broke, not getting the proper care that i need for my epilepsy, and unemployed..that's my reality but i am hoping that will change. Hopefully, you'll be better off than me and I hope everything goes well for you.

Re: Epilepsy and employment

Submitted by AmyH1979 on Wed, 2006-08-23 - 01:08
I agreed with what everyone is saying. I had my first serizure in my sleep when I was 19. The doctors did nothing, stated they didnt know what cause it, why it happen, but I may have another one later on, just dont know when and that they were. Not going to put me on anything. I went five years without a seizure, then all of sudden started having them on the job. At the time I was working at a hospital. I will tell u there is nothing more embrassing then having a seizure in a pubilc, especially when u are at work. I was having one seizure every week for a month, which was either at work or on my way home. I ended having to quit my job with paid well and included benfits. I didnt work for a year and half. I started going to school but my seizures continued. I had one at school in front of my classmates and even one at a cousin's bridal shower. When they were finally undercontrol, I had problem finding a job. Because of the trouble word finding side effects that I may have trouble in the interviews, I let them know that I had epilepsy and the side effect from my meds. I never heard back from those jobs. I got a job working for my uncle, but unfortuntly he doesnt have health insurance and the medicaid I once had said I made too much money and didnt care that it would be about 1500 a month for my meds. I have to pay out of pocket health insurance coverage until I finish my medical transcription course and get a better job. Not to mention, I have freak out almost everyone that I work with now, because I have had a total 6 seizure while I working and 3 of them were when customers where around. When I keep my epilepy a serect from a job i worked during christmas, it wasnt such a good idea because I had one there while waiting on someone and when i came to there was a coward around me. I wasnt happy when they sent me to the ER. But I was still out of it. Now that my doctor has me on the right dosages and they r under control. I can live a some what normal life. But u will always have that fear. Because employers seem to be getting smarter on how to get away with things. Just have to keep the faith. Cause u never know things could be worse.

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