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Epilepsy and employment

Mon, 07/31/2006 - 19:30
I had my first major seizure just five days after being terminated from a really bad job in November 2005. Needless to say, I have not been employed since then. At this point my epilepsy is not under control despite being on Lamictal and Keppra. I have only been on the Keppra for about 10 days. Yet I am concerned about being employable in the future. I keep reading about and hearing that people with epilepsy can lead "normal" lives. I guess that depends on what the definition of normal is. In the interim I am trying to figure out what I am going to do for money. I have even hinted at one doctor's office that by the time my next appointment came around, I would be living in my car. These doctors just don't seem to get it. I do not have unlimited funds. Where is the reality in all this?


Re: Epilepsy and employment

Submitted by romaboots on Wed, 2006-08-09 - 11:13
Hi WfLisa: I'm on HR Officer at a University in CA, and also have recently been diagnosed with seizure disorder due to a head injury I incurred in a cab accident last fall. Having dealt with employee disability issues for years, and having played a role in protecting their rights under the American with Disabilities Act, I do know that terminating an employee who has a disability can have major legal implications for the employer. The ADA requires that we are able to perform the "essential duties" of our job with reasonable accommodation of our disability. A job where an essential duty involves driving a car or operating heavy machinery would probably be something we cannot do even with accommodation unless our seizures are controlled by medication and we can regain our Driver's License. There are numerous other occupations where having an occasional seizure at work would prevent no obstacle to performing the essential duties of the job. Many employers are ignorant of their responsibilities under the ADA, and firing an employee for the sole reason that they occasionally have a seizure at work could constitute illegal discrimination under the ADA. Everyone's situation is different. In CA as well as some other states, State Disability insurance partially replaces pre-disability income temporarily while an employee is disabled, and Social Security then kicks in once SDI runs out. Personally, I would not reveal my seizure disorder to a prospective employer unless the job required driving or the operation of heavy machinery. There's no requirement to do so in a job where the aforementioned job duties are not an issue. Once you're hired, if you have a seizure at work, the employer must provide reasonable accommodation under the ADA. I'm very fortunate to work at a University that provides accommodation for all types of disabilities for both our students and employees. When you're able to look for work (your health comes first, of course), you may want to pursue employment in a more enlightened work environment. Although it's somewhat hard to read, looking at a prospective employer's website can provide some clues as to what their commitment is to treating employees who have disabilities with dignity, respect and an opportunity to work. My best to you.

Re: Epilepsy and employment

Submitted by mqrishona77 on Thu, 2006-08-10 - 14:10
Hi Im new to this site. I understand completely what you are going through. I have had seizures since the age of 5 and I am now 29. I have worked several jobs, but all for short periods of time due to epilepsy. Of course the jobs wont admit that, and I've tried being upfront about them and then dont get hired at all. I wish I knew the solution to this problem because I have it too. I take phenobarbital, and tegretol and still have uncontrolled seizures. My doctor just prescribed lamictal....maybe that will be my solution, I hope so. Look forward to chattig with you sometime.

Re: Re: Epilepsy and employment

Submitted by wflisa on Mon, 2006-08-14 - 20:24
Hi, I hope the lamictal helps you more than the previous meds. I started out last year on Depakote. I not only hated it, but my Psychiatrist told me about all the new meds for epilepsy and guided me to a new MD. I started the lamictal in March, but in April things started getting much worse. I spent a week in the hospital in May, my lamictal dosage was increased, and I still had problems, but no serious seizures. Last seizure I had was on June 26, the day after my birthday! Now I am taking lamictal and keppra and it is likely that the dosage of the keppra will be increased as I am beginning to have problems again. Just no seizures. For a 55-year old woman, this is a real drag.

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