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Hello, I need some advice regarding my child who has epilepsy

Thu, 02/03/2005 - 21:03
Hello, I'm 23 years old, a single mom and I have a 3 year old who was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 4 months. For the past 2 weeks I have had the most awful trouble with her in regard to her sleep patterns. She is fighting both me and her daycare provider tooth and nail about going to sleep although you can see she is exhausted. I've also noticed (and it may be coincidental) that she has seizures more often when she is over-tired. Can ANYONE offer me some advice? Thanks in Advance.


RE: Hello, I need some advice regarding my child who has epileps

Submitted by moffatkj on Thu, 2005-02-03 - 14:43
Hi, I have a daughter who is 9 and been having absence seizures since she was 4. I foun the same problem happening with her and her sleep. My daughter was so tired, but couldnt sleep because the meds made her have insomina. So now she is on Clonidine to help her sleep. Good luck, I hope that it is a simple as that. Jesele

Re: Hello, I need some advice regarding my child who has epileps

Submitted by fortune on Thu, 2006-08-03 - 04:29
FWK Hi hellena, my son just turned 3. he has been having seizure ever since he was 3 months. They used to be so frequent such that he had to be sedated but recently he gets 2-4 a week or two.His day care teacher also complains about him not wanting to sleep but when i asked his doctor about it he told me i shouldnt be worried since he sleeps very well at night. As long as your child can av sleep for 12 hrs u shouldnt be so worried.Incase he shows signs of sleep u can try soothe him coz i always do that to my son till he falls asleep and also tell his daycare to do the same. hope this helps fortune

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