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Tonic-Clonic Seizure?

Thu, 07/19/2007 - 14:59
A while ago (8 months), I had my first seizure. Before this, I never had any kind of medical problem. I got two concussions and 2 weeks after the second one is when my seizures began. I am pretty sure the first seizure I had was a tonic clonic seizure... Hours before the seizure, I was hallucinating. I saw catapillar buses and strange things like that. I also seemed to like the hallucinations. I remember smiling and wanting to interact with the hallucinations. When I got to school that morning, i told my friends about this...because i thought it was so cool! A while later, I started getting a bad headache. (Which wasnt uncommon for me. I was having severe headaches ever since the concussions) I didnt think much of it since it happened all the time. But my teacher thought differently and sent a student with me to call home. the hall, I stopped and made a strange noise then fell on the ground. -the strange part is I remember only part of the fall...but it was all like an out-of-body experience. The next thing I know the student that was with me was right beside me crying and there were teachers all around asking if I was alright. I, not knowing what happened, told them i was fine and I just fell...But they saw the seizure and asked if ive ever had an EEG. I was so confused. Why would I need an EEG? I dont even know what that is! I had several more seizures that day and ever since then. -Does this sound like a tonic clonic seizure? Most of my EEGs have been normal, but the prolonged ones come back with abnormal spikes. I have only lost bladder control once.


Re: Tonic-Clonic Seizure?

Submitted by Little Lemon on Fri, 2007-08-31 - 21:46
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been having Tonic Clonic seizures since I was 8 and can totally relate to the out-of-body experience. Also the in and out of consciousness thing I have experienced as well. It does sound a lot like you had a Tonic Clonic Seizure. Little Lemon :)

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