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Someone please help me!

Mon, 09/10/2007 - 15:31
OK. I have been having episodes of passing out on and off for 12 years. They have become more frequent. There have been 2 times now where I have not actually passed out, but I start sweating, feel nauseated, and my heart starts racing. During these past 2 episodes, I am aware of my surroundings, and I can hear people talking to me. But I try to respond, and am unable to talk. I get a very "spacy" feeling, almost like I am disconnected from everything. I had 2 EEG's, which were both normal. I have had a tilt-table test, and have a heart monitor implanted. The cardiologist thinks it may be something called "Neurally Mediated Hypotension". But that does not explain the inability to speak. Does anyone out there have any thoughts on this, or has had similar experiences?


Re: Someone please help me!

Submitted by mbklaxton1 on Mon, 2007-09-10 - 22:53
My epilepsy goes back to the early 80's. I take 500 mg of Dilantin daily. What you seem to have are auras. Certain sounds, voices on phones, repetative noises will set things in motion. You know someone is talking to you and you can see their lips moving but you are unable to comprehend what they are saying. The situation lasts approximately 10-15 seconds. The area directly in line with your vision is clear but around that area is blurred. If you have the sensation of becoming hot and feel you are starting to have either an aura or a full blown seizure get directly in front of cold air. If you are having a grand mall, you will only have as little as 15 seconds to respond. Does this sound familiar?

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