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seeing spots

Sun, 03/09/2008 - 22:04
My almost 10 year old daughter has been "seeing spots"  first they were flouresant green with hot pink border, ameba like.  I had her draw them for me.  It was the size of a quarter.  then it went to three spots, then it changed color to purple, and she has up to 12 spots at a time.  She has headaches, but not always with spots.  Lots of nausea and "my stomach hurts".   Grades have fallen and behavior at school is not good.  Grades were A's & B's and behavior WAS ok, except for a little talking.  I have spoken to teacher and she says Emily is a "different kid".  MRI was normal.  Have appt with pediatric neurologist April 3rd.  I thought she might have tumor, as my sister in law had one and was told it could be heriditary.  Did not show up on MRI.  I was googleing symptoms and it brought me here.  Does this sound like epilepsy?  Usually has "spots" if not everyday, every other day or so.  I took her to eye doctor who did 2 hour exam on her.  Eyes were fine.  Im interested to hear any suggestions.


Re: seeing spots

Submitted by ROCKNROLL on Wed, 2008-03-12 - 01:08

because i am brain dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e. is hereditary i believe. don't quote me, i am brain dead you know!!!!!  there is a personal seizure diary on the site, if that would help. it was designed so we could print it out and take it to the doc. that could make it easier for you.  good luck god bless, jan

because i am brain dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e. is hereditary i believe. don't quote me, i am brain dead you know!!!!!  there is a personal seizure diary on the site, if that would help. it was designed so we could print it out and take it to the doc. that could make it easier for you.  good luck god bless, jan

Are there any updates? Any

Submitted by Mfabie on Fri, 2017-07-07 - 23:22
Are there any updates? Any concerns from Neuro? 

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