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No Warning Signs

Fri, 07/27/2007 - 23:50
There are no warning signs when I have my seizures. I had my first Seizure ten years ago. I just had one. And then another in November 2006 at the office, was taken to ER and had another at the hospital. I was in the hospital for 4 days. They did so many tests. My seizures are in the left temporal lobe. I am told I have a low seizure thresold. Three months to the day in Feb 2007 I had another seizure while driving home from work. I had been taking Lamictal and the Neurologist I was seeing cleared me to drive after 3 months and told me I was fine since I had been taking Lamictal for 3 months. I never heard from the DMV. After my seizure that I had while driving in Feb 2007 I almost killed myself. Thank God I didn't hit anyone and I was the only one hurt. I have now switched Neurologists and I am taking 1000mg of Tegretol per day. I just started back to work and have not yet returned to driving. The doctor and DMV are telling me that I will be clear to driving in August as long as I remain seizure free. I am scared to drive again because there is no warning signs with my seizures. I know I have only had three I am told the Tegretol will keep me safe. I already believed on medicine why should I believe in another. the Neurologist I see now is so much more thorough, it's like day and night. I see him all the time, he is always requesting Blood work. I am had never done any of that with the other neurologist. And knowing what I know now I can't believe she put in writing that I was ok to drive after just 3 months. I live in California and I am a single parent. I need to drive. I am so scared though to start. I can't imagine hurting anyone. Will the Tegretol really keep me safe? Any comments or feedback is so very appreciated. Thank you, Elizabeth


Re: No Warning Signs

Submitted by kasio on Fri, 2007-09-14 - 19:02
Hi there. i've had epilepsy since i was 8. over 16 years ago. the pain i get from a seizure in my head in my right temperal lobe. i just read your notice. i saw you mentioned Lamictal... i was first on epilem for quite a few years. but when i was on the most highest dose, that was when i was have the most seizures. then i changed to Lamictal. i had a most serious reaction to that drug. i almost died from it. i've since changed from that to dilantin. BUT THAT AINT WORKING EITHER. so i dont know what to do. the latest i've been told is about epistill. ive just been trying to find some information about it on this site but cant find anything. if you have any information on epistill, could you let me know? thanks heaps. hope to hear from you soon. also hope that you find some magical drug. im 24 and ive never been able to drive so hopefully one day soon i'll be able to find some magic drug so that soon i'll be able to drive.

Re: No Warning Signs

Submitted by jamie crowell on Mon, 2007-10-15 - 22:07
hi Elizebeth I know how you feel. I've had Epilepsy all my life. The Dr. said I inherited it. I'm 44 must live with my parents,can't drive (the laws in Rhode Island are really strict). You must go 1 and 1/2 years without a seizure before you can drive.I have grandmal seizures as well as petimal seizures or what I call mini-seizures because they only last 1 or 2 seconds. I'm a walking pharmacy taking a total of 21 and 1/2 pills a day, 3 different kinds.I always feel like i'm a burden to people because i need to get rides to places. I also have the Vagal Nerve Stimulant implant but because there is no warning before I have my seizures I am not able to scan the magnet in time.When i have my so called mini seizures I sometimes become incontinent so I must keep a change of clothes at work all the time.I guess I can be thankful my grandmals are under control i usually have 3 or 4 a year but come 10/20/07 it will be a year without having one.I really wish I could drive though I feel like i'm confined to my town because I must have a job close to home. You did the right thing changing neorologists.I find myself getting depressed quite often but then I say to myself there are a lot of people out there that are a lot worse off than me.Keep your chin up- Jamie Crowell

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