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I'm panicking!

Thu, 02/09/2006 - 13:06
I've read about others going in for VEEG countless times, yet, now that it's my turn, I am SCARED. I know, the process isn't painful. It's dull...I am prepared for that. What I'm mostly so afraid of is being away from my girls for 3-5 days. They can visit me in the hospital, but just thinking about it is heartwrenching! Adding the knowledge that they're gonna be messing w/ my meds again, and it scares the heck out of me!! I know that I'm going to hopefully catch seizure activity, to see if it is localized to one specific area. The doctors seem to be leaning towards doing some type of surgery (which scares the heck out of me too), since I "seem to be SO sensitive to so many medications". The problem is, I don't *want* to have a seizure...I'm scared. Seizures scare me, plain and simple. So, I am not looking forward to the whole thing. Because, it seems, that whichever way it goes, things don't look too good. Arrangements were just made today, and I go in tomarrow morning(yikes!!). Maybe that's better, at least I won't have too much time to stress about it, rather than waiting for weeks. I just need to share these thoughts and feelings, if you have any tips or insight let me know before Friday morning :) Thanks, Heather


Re: I'm panicking!

Submitted by txrhb1 on Mon, 2006-02-13 - 21:30
Hi Heather! I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you, and hope the testing is going well. Let us know when you get home, and how the tests went. ((( hugs ))), Barbie

Re: Re: I'm panicking!

Submitted by spiz on Mon, 2006-02-13 - 22:01
Hi Heather! You're in my thoughts and prayers girl! Looking forward to your being back and to find out how everything went. Hugs! -Spiz

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