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Epilepsy Protocol MRI

Fri, 08/25/2006 - 16:32
Can anyone explain what the difference on this type of MRI is and why after 3 years of having about 10 MRI's that I wouldn't have had one already?My EPI is booked until January. If anyone could let me know the difference I would appreciate it. Thanks Joan


Re: Epilepsy Protocol MRI

Submitted by jmccand on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 08:15
I have heard of a new MRI procedure that they are doing for epilepsy, where they also have an EEG going at the same time as the contrast MRI. Maybe that is it? Lori

Re: Re: Epilepsy Protocol MRI

Submitted by LunaBelle on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 13:49
Luna I was just reading this string, I'm scheduled for a MRI with and without dye in a couple of weeks, and I've never heard of this EEG and MRI combo, should I ask about it? Also what is a VEEG? I'm having the MRIs because my seizure pattern has changed, I was only having seizures at night, then a couple of months ago I had one driving, thankfully, no one was hurt, but since then, it seems everything seems to be out of wack, so, there have been endless test and now them MRI to see what's going on with me.

Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy Protocol MRI

Submitted by george vaughan on Fri, 2006-10-06 - 15:09
g a vaughan i have had a eeg scan it ant any thing to be worryed about i was and i was frighted but dont be

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