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EEG said epilepsy

Thu, 09/21/2006 - 21:16
This is all we have. Our 6 year old daughter was ill, fell over backwards, eyes open, for about a minute. We rushed her to the ER, they did blood work (normal), CT scan, normal. Pedi said to be on the safe side, we should do a sleep deprived EEG. I can't tell you how often I nearly called to cancel it. She was sick, spiking fever, she just fainted--that's what I thought. But a good mom checks it out, right? So we went ahead, and when the pedi's office called and said the report said our daughter had epilepsy, I just was in total shock. They couldn't tell us what kind or how severe or anything, just made us an appointment with a pedi neurologist, which is on Monday. I am SCARED! The only thing we can think of that is weird is our daughters' wild nights. She is prone to night terrors, or that's what we thought they were. I'm having a very hard time getting through the days. Our little girl is adopted, and all she needs is something else to make her feel different. I guess everyone thinks why my child, and I'm no different.


Re: Re: Re: Knowledge is power. I am

Submitted by katgilliam on Fri, 2006-09-22 - 14:13
That's one of my biggest fears, that the anti-seizure meds will actually bring on seizures. She has only had one! It was less than a minute. but I do read that some of the meds actually can increase seizures, as well as other side effects. Has your daughter had any other side effects, such as sleeplessness, restlessness, nausea, headaches? I have a natural tendency to bow to authority, but you know, you have to wonder about doctors. You have to wonder how well they know their stuff--last week my own doctor prescribed a medication and when I looked up the contraindications, it very specifically stated it was for a specific use and no other, and not the one she prescribed it for. (I'm not taking it, by the way.) How old is your daughter? How well does she tolerate all the tests and the doctor visits, etc.?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Knowledge is power. I am

Submitted by jmccand on Fri, 2006-09-22 - 14:41
My daughter is 8. So far she seems to be handling things better than me. Next week will be a true test since she is getting the 48 hour EEG. With the medicine, she has increased auras, which for her are dizziness, headaches, and throat tightening. It is always best to get a second opinion. After all, doctors are really just the "hired help" to assist you in determining what is best for your daughter. Just as if you had a contractor working on your home and you were not happy, the same goes for a doctor you are unhappy with. Fire them!!! With being a therapist, I have worked with a lot of doctors, and they are not perfect. Follow your inner voice, and seek a second opinion if you need to. That is what I am doing. Her health is too important not to. Lori

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knowledge is power. I am

Submitted by katgilliam on Wed, 2006-09-27 - 19:11
Lori, we met with the neuro and he diagnosed sycope (fainting spell) not a seizure. He said there was one spike and wave of about one second duration on the EEG during drowsiness. Not during flashing lights. He told us he thinks it was a misdiagnosis and to go back to full activities and just tell him if we see anything weird in the future. Maybe all that denial I was in was my gut telling me something, huh? I wish you so much for your daughter. I wish you peace and knowledge and power, and a second opinion that is more helpful. I will be praying for Lori's daughter. We moms have to stick together. Love and good wishes, Kath

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