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Appointment TUESDAY (tomorrow), what to ask.

Mon, 11/20/2006 - 09:17
I have an appointment with my family doctor tomorrow. My husband is coming with me. I need help directing the appointment. The appointment was originally to discuss painful nosebleeds, but now it is to discuss whatever it was that happened on Friday. My husband is going to come with me. I'm frustrated and getting no where. My journalling is being ignored, and I can't even tell anymore what a seizure is. Not all of the odd feelings and ringing and memory issues and visual distortions can be seizures. If so, I'm having seizures every day. So I just can't believe it. I'm sure soemthing would have shown up on my EEG. Please. I need to know what to ask. I need to know how to direct the conversation. If I do not ask and insist and direct, the appointment will end and I will not have my questions answered. Please help me.


Hi there. The MRI had an

Submitted by fzMousie on Mon, 2006-11-20 - 11:51
Hi there. The MRI had an incidental finding of a 2mm cyst on my brain. According to the neuro this is NOT responsible for the seizures. Also, I have two largish cysts in my sinuses. These are, apparently, common and nothing to be concerned about. To answer your questions. 1. No. I did request that we redo the EEG, and attempted to explain that the setting was not really condusive to causing a seizure. I was quite comfortable and the tech was a former colleague of mine. My request was refused. I was told it was not necessary, as the neuro was satisfied in his diagnosis. 2. No. The neuro mentioned the epilepsy clinic at the local teaching hospital, but I do not recall in what context. I believe it was in the context of having my doctor refer me there if my "episodes" continue once I am off medication. My husband and I will request a referral be made before the new year. 3. Yes. My levels dropped after my last dose increase. My former neuro reiterated his opinion that I am "odd". This has been his opinion since he started me on the Dilantin in October. 4. I will still mention the nosebleeds and request any tests that might link them to my other problems. He HATES sending patients for tests, though, so I may not get anywhere until the New Year. 5. I will do that. My lists tend to be ignored, though. My doctor seems to not like them at all. Thank you. ((hug))

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