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Epilepsy and marijuana

Sat, 02/05/2005 - 12:32
Hi all, I was wondering whether or not the effects of pot on the brain can intefere with the effects of the epilepsy medicine Tegretol 400mg per day. I know grapefruit and alcohol have adverse effects on the drug's treatments and can lead to uncontrollabe seizure possibilities in some cases. However, in the case of weed I do not not if it does have any interference or not. So if anyone could help me here I would appreciate it. Thanks.Chris


Re: Re: Epilepsy and marijuana

Submitted by chants on Wed, 2007-07-18 - 22:24
Hi Chris, I take the same amount of tegratol for my petit mal seizures. I've smoked pot once, and I had a horrible reaction to it. My eyes kept on rapidly moving up and down, as I couldn't focus on a thing. From this experience, I really don't see what is so great about pot.

Re: Epilepsy and marijuana

Submitted by wem511 on Thu, 2008-03-06 - 14:01
probably was a first timer thing, when i first did it i diddnt even know that i was high lol, and i smoked alot. also may have to slow your self down, when i try to look around fast when stoned i've realized that i need to slow it down the look-around speed and it helps bunches.

Re: Re: Epilepsy and marijuana

Submitted by Bret on Tue, 2007-08-14 - 15:28
I have been concerned about the same thing. I aheva condition called tuberous sclerosis,which seiaures are part of the disease. I take Keppra,1750 2x/day,and Neurontin,1000mgs,3x/day. I had a really stressful job (I ended up leaving) that was accompanied by extreme heat 10 hrs a day. My neuro had me on a 40hr restricted work week prior to my leaving.I had been at that job for 20+ years. I had refrained from alcohol for years,but due to the stress of my job,I started drinking beer after work to unwind.I started weed again also,only when it was available.I played in bands in clubs and when I was offered weed,I took it and abstained from liquor. It seems like it helped control my szs when I had been smoking and no drinking. I have at times( I know it was wrong,but..)mixed sz meds,harder liquor in moderation,and a few tokes.When I mixed liquor and weed,I had petit mals that would be just blank stares,like I had been in a trance vcriefly. This didnt happen when I would smoke only.I just saw my neuro yesterday and wanted to ask about this but couldn't. My Mom (even tho I am 46) drove me down and she wanted to tell him about the absence seizures, and the folks aren't aware of my aprtaking,so I didn't get to ask.Nonetheless,if medicinal pot can help,as it does in my case,I ma all for it. Cause having E is pure hell on earth.

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