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Update on my daughter

Sat, 08/20/2016 - 12:16
So things are still crazy but not as bad. Phoebe just had an eeg not this past week but the week before and was there from mon morning through Friday early morning. She I think has been having some absence seizures where she's sitting there and staring straight ahead and it takes a bit to get her out of it. She was also doing things in her sleep. It also was a routine eeg to check her night time spikes. Well I don't know if I like this neurologist too much or not. He did tell me he was seeing the complex partial spikes during the day but I figured that but wanted to capture some of these other things and needed to see if the continuous spike wave during slow wave sleep was still there or if they were gone or better. Well he said she's still having a lot of the continuous spike wave during slow wave sleep but it is better witch confused me some. The np who believed me in what I was seeing was hoping to capture what I was seeing but by Thursday we hadn't seen any and the np that she seen was not there that day and it was one of the pa's from the neurologist office along with the neurologist that was on the floor but even from what I told her she said it sounds like seizure. He told me Thursday when he came in that what I'm seeing with the staring and the other is probably not seizures. I got upset and didn't say anything and was disappointed with this neurologist because I was told he was a good neurologist. Oh and he also goes I'm not sure why she was put on onfi unless it was because of her night time spikes. I was told that they go over all the cases with all the neurologist in the office that they would go over it this past week and I would hear something from them by the end of the week but I didn't hear anything. I'm calling mon but I'm sure they won't have anything and will have to wait for her neurologist to sign off on it. I have her open house/orientation this wed so I won't have her seizure plan for school. I'm hoping that this school year will be much better as they hopefully will check on her If she's staring off....we were going to have a staffing on her before school started but waiting till after we have her neuropsychologist testing done and they said that they would use that and accommodate things from that with her school. I'm feeling frustrated and and stressed and all that other stuff that comes with it. Nicole Dylan (07/02/99 developmentally delayed, sever adhd, odd, gerd, autism, speech, and a few more) Phoebe (06/04/04 speech, developmentally delayed, complex partial epilepsy into generalized seizures, continuous spike wave during slow wave sleep)


Not all seizures that have

Submitted by just_joe on Sun, 2016-08-21 - 12:11
Not all seizures that have staring are absence seizures. A focal seizure can look the same. As can a partial or even a complex partial. complex partial epilepsy into generalized seizures <<<< means she can have many different kinds of seizures. I was diagnosed prior to types of seizures or types of epilepsy. I had petite mal (absence seizures) Grand mal (tonic clonic) and focal motor epilepsy. I can have almost all the different seizures on the list. But I tend to have a focal seizure now and then. Now focal seizures start in one area of my brain which covers the other side of my body. In my seizures my right hand feels weird. That's it, It will not respond or move like I want it to. A few seconds and it is gone.

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