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Insular epilepsy

Thu, 10/29/2015 - 21:34

My son is 5 1/2. He had a perintal stroke, which caused damage to the right temporal lobe of his brain; PET also confirmed his left dorsal thalamus is not functioning properly. He has autism, hemiplegic cerebral palsy, and epilepsy...his doc has just recently put him on Onfi in addition to his Vimpat, which he's maxed out on. He is still having seizures. I've had to pick him up from school three times in two weeks because of his seizures. Mostly, he has simple partial seizures which sometimes turn into complex partials and have generalized twice.

I was looking for a bit of support as well as looking to connect with someone who has experience with insular lobe epilepsy, autonomic seizures, and/or thalamic seizures...

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